Paul Sloan

American amateur rider Paul Sloan was born in Nashville, Tennessee, on January 5, 1945, the younger brother of fellow amateur George Sloan.

Unusually, Paul wore glasses when riding in races. He and George both rode in the 1969 Grand National, having bought horses in Ireland the previous autumn specifically for the race. Both horses boasted good recent form over fences in Ireland, George’s mount Peccard having won Listowel’s Kerry National earlier in the season, while Paul’s mount Terossian had won the Galway Plate. In the photo above, Paul is in the foreground on Terossian whilst George can be seen on the grey Peccard.

George and Paul rode their respective mounts in an amateur riders’ handicap chase at Kempton on February 28, 1969. George finished fifth on Peccard, 12 lengths ahead of Paul on Terossian. The accompanying picture shows Paul on Terossian in the foreground and George on the grey Peccard in the background.

In the Grand National itself, Paul fared slightly better than George, although neither made to halfway, Peccard falling at Becher’s first time round, Terossian refusing at the fence after Valentine’s, the tenth.

George went on to ride frequently in Britain for the next ten years, becoming champion amateur rider in Britain for the 1977/78 season with 23 wins. Paul, however, did not return.