Ben Smith

c1770 - 1835

Born at Mills Bridge, near Huddersfield, Ben Smith was the quietest and most simple-minded soul imaginable, one who never quite seemed awake to the outer world. He was never known to utter a coarse word, much less a profanity, and always presented a neat figure as he walked through Middleham in his showy cravat, his single-breasted, black frock-coat and his cream-coloured breeches.

But looks can sometimes be deceptive – and so it was with Ben. His first employer was John Lowther (known by the nickname of Blackjack) who trained his horses on Branham Moor alongside the Tadcaster/Leeds road. Later, he was employed at the Breconsgill (Wensleydale) stables of John Mangle who trained and rode for Lord Archibald Hamilton. When Mangle stepped down from riding to concentrate on training, Ben succeeded him as jockey and was regularly engaged by Lord Strathmore and the Duke of Hamilton. ‘Sleepy’ Ben went on to win no less than six St Legers despite suffering two serious riding accidents.

The first accident occurred at York in 1786. While at the start on the grey colt Ironsides, Ben received an almighty kick on the leg from Mr Garforth’s horse Brilliante. In obvious pain, Ben insisted on carrying on and amazingly won the race. In the paddock he almost fainted, and was carried to the scales. A medical examination followed, and it was discovered that the jockey had ridden and won a four-mile race with a broken leg.

The second accident happened at Chester in 1814 when a drunk stepped out in front of his horse, bringing the animal down. Smith suffered a broken collarbone and severe injuries to his arm and shoulder: for the remainder of his riding days - 12 years - he was obliged to whip underhand. The drunk was killed.

He was careful with his money and when he retired in 1826 he was comfortably off. He bought a small property just outside Ripon with the £1,000 testimonial money given to him to mark his retirement.

Ben retired in 1826 and died on the 27th May, 1835, at Littlethorpe, near Ripon. He was 65.

Benjamin Smith’s classic wins:

St Leger: Rememberancer (1803), Petronius (1808), Ashton (1809), Soothsayer (1811), The Duchess (1816) and Jerry (1824)