John Shortt

1964 - 2017

John Shortt was born in Kilkenny, Ireland on February 13, 1964.

His father, Paddy, and uncle, Francis, both enjoyed long and successful careers riding over jumps while another uncle, Richard, rode mainly on the Flat until his career was ended by a bad fall.

John started out as an amateur and had his first rides for his father while still at school. Aged 18, he joined Eddie Harty's stable and rode his first winner on Kaythorn at Downpatrick.

In November, 1998, after riding about 350 winners, John hung up his racing saddle and made the switch from jockey to jockeys' agent.

He had decided to quit that September, but had no idea what he might do instead - then Connor O'Dwyer approached him, having split from his agent. Connor asked John if he would book his rides for him.

John had never considered such an option but soon 'a whole string of people wanted me to act for them.'

His clients included Charlie Swan, Barry Cash, Ken Whelan, Liam Cusack and Shay Barry.

Looking back, he singled out Space Trucker as the best he'd ridden. John won the Fighting Fifth at Newcastle on him before finishing third in the Champion Hurdle.

John Shortt died of cancer on his 53rd birthday, February 13, 2017.