Rukaan may prove their value to themselves, their handlers and their herd by demonstrating their skills and collecting Rune Marks to ascend the rankings and gain recognition and rewards for their accomplishments.
This system encompasses ranks, reward levels and titles for your Rukaan.
Quick Links
Rukaan who are active and climb the hierarchy will be rewarded for their work!
Each rank will have a rune mark requirement and an additional requirement to achieve. These Rune Marks requirements are cumulative. The 15 Rune Marks you earn to get to the first level will still count towards your total when you submit your Rukaan for validation at the next level.
To achieve the rank of Thrall your Rukkan must earn 15 Rune Marks and participate in one activity (Exploring, Quests, Monthly Shows*, Monthly Feats* or Battles)
*Fun Classes and Junior Classes count towards this requirement
Breeding is unlocked for the Rukaan
The Rukaan is awarded 10 breeding slots
Awarded one of the following: Love Rune, Joy Rune, or Change Rune (random)
To achieve the rank of Drang your Rukaan must earn 50 Rune Marks and participate in at least one Exploration
The Rukaan is awarded 5 additional breeding slots (15 total)
The Rukaan's breeding success increases
Awarded one of the following: Lodbrock’s Beard, King Cnut’s Crown, Bluetooth’s Treasure or Bjornskin Cloak (random)
To achieve the rank of Thegn your Rukaan must earn 100 Rune Marks and ONE of the following:
Gain at least Apprentice level in one Aptitude or Profession
Enter one monthly group Show or Feat class (Fun Classes and Junior Classes do count towards this requirement)
Complete one Prompt Set (any type)
The Rukaan is awarded 5 additional breeding slots (20 total)
The Rukaan's breeding success increases
Awarded one of the following: Love Rune, Joy Rune, or Change Rune (your choice)
Adoption Center Rukaan may have their ear tag removed from their import at the Design Approval Hub and can be sold or traded
The Rukaan is awarded +1 to one stat of your choice
To achieve the rank of Himthiki your Rukaan must earn 250 Rune Marks and one Quest of each type (Migration, Solution and Defense)
The Rukaan is awarded 5 additional breeding slots (25 total)
The Rukaan is awarded 2 additional trait slots (7 total)
The Rukaan's breeding success increases
Awarded one of the following: Lodbrock’s Beard, King Cnut’s Crown, Bluetooth’s Treasure or Bjornskin Cloak (your choice)
The Rukaan is awarded +1 to two stats of your choice
The Rukaan is awarded one trait of your choice
Unlocks Trickster Spirit opponent in Battles
To achieve the rank of Marauder your Rukaan must earn 500 Rune Marks and one of the following:
Win a Boss fight in Battles
Earn an Achievement (for example: Top Competitor or Storied)
Submit an art or story entry in five different Limited Time Group Events (for example: Spring Equinox 2019 or Journey of the Heart 2019) [Lore Storyline chapters can count as events for this requirement)
The Rukaan is awarded 5 additional breeding slots (30 total)
The Rukaan's breeding success increases
The Rukaan unlocks access to the Spirit Realm exploration area
The Rukaan is awarded +1 to three stats of your choice
Awarded Jörmungungar Companion [Your choice of Envy, Snow, Galaxy, Wrath] (does not take up a companion slot)
Awarded a Blessing
Note: If your Rukaan is Infertile or Antlerless, you can use the blessing to remove these instead of giving them a cosmetic blessing as described below.
To overturn infertility, go through the Infertility section of the Import Updates page instead of the Cosmetic Updates page.
To overturn antlerlessness, go through the Design Approval > Cosmetic Updates area and link your Marauder Rank approval comment as proof.
Blessings are a change to the appearance/import image based on the god of your choice. For example, a Rukaan blessed by Odin may have glowing milky eyes with raven feathers sprouting from areas on its body. A blessing from Thor could cause an inner electric glow within a Ruk and have lightning bolts zipping around its legs. To apply your blessing, go through the Design Approval > Cosmetic Item Application area. Please note that you will be asked to specify the god providing the blessing and an explanation of the effects in the approval process which will be included on the import.
Blessings can: (allowed but not required)
Cause physical changes (change hooves to paws, add additional legs, etc)
Cause magical changes (glowing eyes, aura of lightning, etc)
Allow alterations to the lineart (up to 50%)
Blessings must:
Leave at least 50% of the design visible
Remain recognizable as a Rukaan
Have some tie to a Norse deity who is bestowing the blessing. A list of deities can be found here, though options are not limited to the ones on this list: thenorsegods.com/norse-gods/
Blessings cannot:
Imitate the effects of existing items (note: Freya's Falcon Feather Cloak grants a Rukaan bird wings, so this cannot be part of a blessing)
If you want the effect to include the effect of an existing cosmetic item, that cosmetic item must also be applied at the time of the blessing
Alter the Rukaan’s markings or color
Change the Rukaan's antler type, body type, element, stats or traits
Imitate an official antler type, body type or element that they do not have
Be inherited or cause inheritable changes
Accepted examples of Blessings:
Blessed by Loki with aspect of the dragon as a permanent reminder of Thranduil's many failed attempts to locate and tame a dragon.
Blessed by Skadi, the goddess of winter and hunting, with a shroud of mist so she may always be able to hide from hunters and foes and feel the coolness of winter even under the searing summer sun.
Blessed by Baldr, God of light, joy, purity, and the summer sun. Tarn has been given shining hooves, antlers, and a glowing orb above his head as a reminder of the sun that he may become a shining light in even the darkest places of the world.
Blessed by Odin with a collar of raven feathers as a sign of honor, and an eye that can now see beyond those of mere mortal sight.
Rune Mark Reward Levels Beyond Marauder
Once they reach Marauder rank, a Rukaan may claim rewards for reaching additional rune mark milestones. Some of these reward levels require both a total number of rune marks and a certain number of rune marks earned by the Rukaan's owner.
Rune Marks By Owner Requirements
Rune marks must have been rolled for that Rukaan, and must be from art or literature created by the Rukaan's owner
These can be collaborations or entirely by the owner
Unattached rune marks from events or adoption center donations do not count
Placement rune marks from shows and feats count if the original entry was made by the owner
Rune marks earned by previous owners while they owned the Rukaan will count towards this requirement
These rune mark comments should be linked in the "non rune mark requirements" section of the request form or clearly marked/listed on the Rukaan's rune mark tracker. Any old rune mark comments (pre-2020) that do not say "Rune Marks Earned By Rukaan's Owner" will not be counted by owner unless they are linked in this field on the form.
600 Rune Mark Reward Level
600 total Rune Marks
At least 100 of these rune marks by the Rukaan's owner
2 additional breeding slots (32 total)
Can bring one Rukaan of any rank with them to explorations in the Spirit Realm exploration area
Gains access to the Market of Acclaim through the Traveling Trader
700 Rune Mark Reward Level
700 total Rune Marks
At least 200 of these rune marks by the Rukaan's owner
800 Rune Mark Reward Level
800 total Rune Marks
At least 300 of these rune marks by the Rukaan's owner
2 additional breeding slots (36 total)
One Odin's Eye Token
Gains one additional companion slot (4 total)
900 Rune Mark Reward Level
900 total Rune Marks
At least 400 of these rune marks by the Rukaan's owner
2 additional breeding slots (38 total)
Unlocks most locked exploration areas (Note: this does not unlock seasonal exploration areas out of season and does not unlock Above The Clouds area)
All breedings to a Rukaan who has been confirmed at the 900 Rune Mark reward level are guaranteed successful. To use, link the 900 Rune Mark Reward proof comment from your Rukaan's import in the breeding comment under the breeding bonuses section of the breeding form.
Note: If your Rukaan is infertile, they will unlock the guaranteed breeding success bonus but will not be able to use it unless their infertility is overturned.
1000 Rune Mark Reward Level
1000 total Rune Marks
At least 500 of these rune marks by the Rukaan's owner
2 additional breeding slots (40 total)
One Import Token, account bound and non-transferable
Unlocks most battle bosses matching their disposition (does not allow you to challenge seasonal bosses out of season and does not unlock Frost Giant battle boss)
One additional trait slot (8 total)
1250 Rune Mark Reward Level
1250 total Rune Marks
Complete one free prompt set
Complete one of each disposition-appropriate activity (exploration, quest, monthly show/feat*, battle)
*Fun Classes and Junior Clases do not count towards this requirement
Breeding Bonus: +5% pass rate of their marking and modifier genes. Stacks if both parents have this bonus.
Questing Buddy Bonus: Allows the Rukaan to bring one other Rukaan along on quests, both will be rolled. Does not stack with quest herd bonus, but allows them to bring a Ruk who is not a member of their herd. Still must be completely by owner or collaborated by both owners. Minimum wordcount for literature quests with two Rukaan is 1200.
Awarded Norn Weaving breeding item.
Unlocks the ability to apply the Shipwreck import background.
1500 Rune Mark Reward Level
1500 total Rune Marks
Must have earned three achievements (these can be repeated from Marauder requirements)
Your choice of one of the following non-hereditary traits: (this will be applied to the Rukaan who earned it)
Ragnar’s Renown - Your reputation in battle precedes you and your enemies quake in fear. Battle opponents' roll ceiling is decreased by 3. Stacks with all battle bonuses.
Gerda’s Cultivation - Increased chance of mutations (albinism, leucism, melanism or chimerism) for the first calf in successful breedings. Stacks with change rune.
Your choice of one of the following breeding items: (this item will be account bound)
Thor’s Lightning (guarantees albinism in the first calf in a breeding)
Hel’s Shadow (guarantees melanism in the first calf in a breeding)
Skadi’s Serpent (guarantees chimerism in the first calf in a breeding)
Idunn's Apple (guarantees leucism in the first calf in a breeding)
1750 Rune Mark Reward Level
1750 total Rune Marks
Must have complete at least two seasonal explorations or battle challenges (seasonal boss or seasonal NPC) from two different seasons. For example: one summer battle boss and one winter battle boss, or one spring exploration and one summer battle.
Your choice of one of the following non-hereditary traits: (this will be applied to the Rukaan who earned it)
Inspiring - Grants a small rune mark bonus to all Rukaan in the submission, including the Rukaan with the trait, if at least two player owned Rukaan are present in the piece. All Rukaan in the piece must be rolled for rune marks to receive the bonus, including the Rukaan with the trait. To use, all Rukaan must list the “Inspiring” bonus in the rune mark bonus section of the form and include a link to the Rukaan with the Inspiring trait. Only one Rukaan can grant the Inspiring bonus per submission.
Loki’s Meddling - Breedings are rolled as if this parent has split element. Antler and hoof element are rolled independently, and if they roll different element results the calf will have a split element. Does not guarantee all calves will have split element.
5x Stat Points (Player’s Choice) to the bank
Your choice of two of the following: (can be two of the same)
2000 Rune Mark Reward Level
2000 total Rune Marks
Must have either 1000 rune marks by the Rukaan's owner OR must have completed 5 Lore Storyline Chapters.
Your choice of one of the following non-hereditary traits: (this will be applied to the Rukaan who earned it)
Sigurd’s Calling - Allows the possibility for the Rukaan to find ‘monsters’ in quests in addition to their quest reward: Dragons in Migration-type quests, Krakens in Solution-type quests, and Fenrir in Defense-type quests.
Freyr’s Gift - Guarantees at least two calves in each successful breeding and increases the chance of triplets. Stacks with Highly Fertile trait. Does not stack if both parents have this trait.
2 additional breeding slots (42 total)
1x Import Token (account bound and non-transferable)
1x Freyr's Armament (account bound)
2500 Rune Mark Reward Level
The last reward level; welcome to the top!
2500 total Rune Marks
5 Achievements (can overlap with those earned for previous rune mark reward levels)
1 Title (such as Jarl or Berserker) OR 5 limited time events excluding lore storyline chapters
1x Ancient Upgrade Token (Account Bound)
1x Import Token (Account Bound)
1x Breeding Chest (Account Bound)
1x Any Non-Heritable Trait of your choice (applied)
3x Final Breeding Slots*
Final Breeding Slots are the final breeding slots a Rukaan can earn, but do not have to be the last breeding slots used. These will be posted to the Rukaan’s import and can only be used by the Rukaan’s owner. When these breeding slots are used, the breeding will give a boost towards the stats inherited by all offspring, and apply the effect of your choice of ONE the following items. (Each bonus can still only be applied once per breeding.)
Token of Dedication
Rainbow in a Bottle
Fruit of Yggdrasil
Thor’s Lightning
Hel’s Shadow
Skadi’s Serpent
Idunn’s Apple
Hymir’s Kettle
*Infertile Rukaan reaching this rank will earn 3x Odin Eye Tokens and 1x of their choice of breeding items above instead of the final breeding slots. They cannot regain the breeding slots at a later time.
For the Rukaan who wants to climb every mountain and cross every ocean, there are titles to obtain in addition to ranks and rune mark rewards. Each comes with a unique reward, as well as bragging rights. Seriously, if you reach these titles you've worked hard to get there and you've earned it!
Valkyrie Title
Reach Marauder Level
Complete 10 lore storyline prompts
Awarded Freya’s Falcon-Feather Cloak for the Valkyrie
Jarl Title
Reach Marauder Rank
Complete the Leadership Prompt Set
Complete the Storied Achievement
Have the Mentor non-hereditary trait and grant its bonus to three different Rukaan
Heidrunn's Headdress cosmetic item (account bound)
Your choice of ONE of the following non-hereditary traits for the Jarl:
Call to Arms - Unlocks the ability to bring a second Rukaan from their herd to a battle as backup for +3 to the roll floor. Second Rukaan from the Rukaan’s herd must be included in the piece (fullbody or significantly involved in the story, herd journal must be linked). Second Rukaan does not get any battle drops and can't use the piece as battle experience or as a battle entry.
Danegeld Tribute - The Rukaan with this trait collects 100 kroner when included in explorations with other Rukaan. Both the Rukaan with this trait and at least one other Rukaan must receive an exploration roll for the submission for the trait to come into effect.
A Rukaan's rune marks are collected in a tracker. See Rune Mark Trackers for more information.
Please note, as of January 1, 2022 all rune mark trackers must be maintained as a comment or journal where admins can access all rune mark roll results in one place. If you have previously used a google sheet or other tracking system for your rune mark tracker, you will be asked to transfer your rune marks to a comment tracker before your next rank update. You can submit your transfer request >>here<<.
Old Unlock Transfers
Rukaan who earned post-500 rune mark unlocks before April 1, 2022 can have their unlock comments transferred to their import >> here <<
Please only submit one Rukaan per comment.
Eligible unlocks for transfer:
Market of Acclaim (600)
Ratatoskr Boss Unlock (700)
Guaranteed Breeding Success (900)
Universal Matching Disposition Boss Unlock (1000)
Cosmetic unlocks cannot be transferred.
Import Link:
Unlocks to transfer:
Links to unlock comments to transfer:
Rank/Rune Mark Reward Level/Title Form
In order to submit your Rukaan for a rank update check, fill out the form below and comment >> HERE <<.
Please only submit one rank per Rukaan at a time.
When Rukaan are transferred, all previously earned Rune Marks, ranks and breeding slots stay with the Rukaan. Please see >> this journal << to transfer rune marks from a previous owner's tracker to the current owner's tracker before submitting for a rank update if this has not already been done.
Import Link:
Link to Rune Mark Tracker:
New Rank/Title/Reward Level:
Link to Previous Rank/Level Validation Proof: (admin comment including the Rukaan's previous rune mark point total. If this is linked on the import you can state "on import".)
Proof that Non-Rune Mark Requirements Are Met: (link to activity result comment etc that are required for the new rank.)
Stats/Items/Trait Requested: (applies to some levels Thegn rank and above only)
Bank Name: (This is where item/kroner/trait/stat rewards will be automatically deposited when rolled. If you don't have an account, list the name you would like it to be created under.)