Splash Accents [Sp]

Marking Type: Normal Marking OR White Marking

Rarity: Common

Splash Accents are a natural marking that focuses on the underside of the Rukaan, lightening them beyond the normal base coat. 

Splash Accents can present in two ways; as a typical marking OR as a white marking. You may choose whether to use the typical or white marking expression.

Marking Range and Extent

Splash Accents occur on the face, underside and hooves of the Rukaan, but should never break the top line of the animal and should terminate around the mid line of the body. Most commonly these are seen on the belly, stomach, lower legs, throat and head. It may exhibit breaks in the areas it covers and may exhibit minor spotting around skin areas, but this should be kept to a minimum and there should never be floating patches on the body. Minor disconnected spots on the face such as those seen on deer and antelope are allowed.

Minimum Coverage

Illustration above shows minimum amount of splash. As long as this amount of the marking is visible, it can appear anywhere in the marking's range and does not have to appear on the belly.

Maximum Range

Shown above is the maximum range and maximum extent for the marking. Marking can cover this entire range.

Typical Expressions of Splash Accents. 

Leftmost is showing expression of Splash Accents as a white marking. Three to the right are showing expression as a typical marking.

R-0176 Gulbrand

Slightly soft edge to typical marking splash accents

R-0069 Astrea

Hard edge for white marking splash accents

R-970 Clyde

Ticked sabino edge to white marking splash accents

Marking Edges

Typical Marking Splash Accents may have a hard or slightly soft edge, but should always have a clear edge to the marking. 

White Marking Splash Accents should have a hard, clear edge or ticked sabino edge.

Marking Color

Typical Marking Splash Accents are always lighter than what they sit over and can range from a lighter version of the base color to white. They should not be more saturated than the base color.

White Marking Splash Accents must be white or very slightly off-white.

R-0049 PricillaTypical Marking Splash Accents can be a lighter version of the base color, cream or white
R-0278 HadvarWhite Marking Splash Accents should be white

Skin/Eye Color Effects

Typical Marking Splash Accents 

This marking has no effect on skin color and will have dark flesh. See the flesh color guide.

Eye color is not affected by this marking.

White Marking Splash Accents

This marking lightens the skin to pink where it covers the skin. See the flesh color guide.

Eye color typically turns blue where a white marking covers it, however this is not required.

Element Effects

Typical Marking Splash Accents 

Effect on Metal and Gemstone elements: None

Effect on Ancient element: None

White Marking Splash Accents

Effect on Metal and Gemstone elements: None

Effect on Ancient element: Can cause white on hooves and antlers. See elements guide.

Coat Type Effects

Splash Accents may flow with the direction of the fur on coat types with longer hair.

R-0494 Dorin

Splash accents on the neck, chest and rear flow with the direction of the longer hairs.

Interactions With Other Genes

R-0557 Beanuph

Splash Accents with Blue

Splash Accents are lightened and colored blue by the Blue modifer

R-0326 Veila

Splash Accents with Snowline

Splash Accents can blend into edges of other light markings like snowline

Typical Marking Splash Accents

Color Modifiers

Color modifiers can, but do not have to, change the color of this marking.

White Markings go over this marking. All other markings can go over or under.

Light markings can blend together. When combined with light markings like roan, frosting, snowline or pangare, splash accents can blend into these markings at the edges if they are the same color.

R-0025 Eisande

Splash Accents with Blanket Appaloosa

Splash accents can merge with white markings such as blanket appaloosa

White Marking Splash Accents

Color Modifiers do not affect the color of this marking.

All Other Markings (except pearl and sometimes scorch marks) go under white markings.

Other White Markings can merge with this marking. All white markings are caused by the failure of pigment to form, so all white markings on the same Rukaan will be the exactly the same shade of white.


Typical Marking Splash Accents

The marking follows the patterns of light underside markings or countershading seen on many mammal species.

White Marking Splash Accents

The marking follows the patterns of horses with the Splashed White gene or a moderate expression of the Sabino gene.

Splash White Mare 2 by KirstiSplashed White
Palomino Trot by Chunga-StockSplashed White
Cavello Rosello by PitkeSplashed White
Shire Horse by Michael FiegleClassic sabino markings
Sato - Palomino Sabino Thoroughbred by Heather MortonNote: Shoulder and hip markings shown here are outside the allowable marking range for splash accents in Rukaan
Brackenhall 021 - Linda SplashettNote: Flank and hip markings shown here are outside the allowable marking range for splash accents in Rukaan

Accepted Examples

Typical Marking Splash Accents

R-0236 MalachiteMinimal splash accents on the belly

White Marking Splash Accents

R-0970 ClydeSabino type edges