Unlockable Exploration Areas

For general information on explorations, see the main exploration page.

Locked Exploration Areas

These areas must be unlocked by redeeming a specific item in the "Unlock Locked Area" thread or reaching another specific requirement before you can explore them. These areas must be unlocked for each participating Rukaan. Once unlocked, the Rukaan may explore there as many times as they wish with no limit.

Four Rukaan may enter per submission unless otherwise noted.


Lush forest, hidden from outsiders, ancient weathered runestones

Tucked deep inside the Rukaan Ancestral Lands is a secret forest, hidden from outsiders. This forest is kept green and lush by some ancient magic despite the frigid climate in the rest of the region. Many large rune stones are found here, carved into weathered rock. Some are prophecies, some are signposts and some have had their meaning lost to the passage of time. Only the most trusted of handlers or outsiders are ever brought here. 

Item Drops: Cloudberry, Wild Strawberry, Lingonberry, Gooseberry, Plant Fibers, Pretty Flowers, Leaves, Empty Wood Rune, Empty Stone Rune, Empty Gemstone Rune, Oral History, Skunk, Squirrel, Pine Marten, Common Lizard, Shed Antler (Mutated) 

Unlock by using Runewood Map

This exploration area does have to be a lore location: Runewood

Shipwreck Island

Remote island, ship wreckage should be visible

You’ve found a pristine uninhabited island- well, uninhabited except for the shipwrecked pirates who are marooned there. One the one hand, they will probably try to eat you. On the other, they might have buried some treasure!

Item Drops: Seashell, Perch, Pike, Eel, Starfish, Gemstones, Brekkathorpe Import BG, Bluetooth's Treasure, Sand Lizard, Gyrfalcon, Kraken

Unlock by using Shipwreck Island Map

This exploration area does not have to be a lore location.

The following lore locations can be depicted in this exploration area if lore location depiction notes are met:  None

Dragon's Lair

A dragon might find a home in any cave or crevasse! Some evidence of a dragon should be visible (hoard of treasure, shed scales, leftover bones, etc)

Dragons love large dark spaces and may hole up in sea caves, castle dungeons or any number of unexpected places. If you can sneak past them you might be lucky enough to snag their treasure, or an egg!

Item Drops: Broken Bones, Intact Bones, Gold Ingot, Dragon's Lair Import Background, King Cnut's Crown, Dragon

Unlock by using Dragon's Lair Key

This exploration area does not have to be a lore location.

The following lore locations can be depicted in this exploration area if lore location depiction notes are met:  Any

Spirit Realm

Misty murky ghostly realm

Your Rukaan is learned in the ways of the world and has mastered the ability to slip past the veil of the mortal realm and commune with the spirits. Their land is misty and hazy and leaves you with a sense of unease. Some spirits you find there are eager to learn news from the world of the living and might offer some magic in return but others are hostile towards interlopers disturbing their eternal peace.

Item Drops: Guise, Change Prevention Potion, Binding Stone, Illusion Stone, Camouflage, Reinvention Stone, Recreation Stone, Ghost Whisperer Trait,  Appeal to the Ancestors

Unlock by reaching Marauder rank

This exploration area can be but does not have to be a lore location.

The following lore locations can be depicted in this exploration area if lore location depiction notes are met:  Hel

Above The Clouds

The sky; at or above the level of the clouds

Welcome to the sky! The easiest way to get up here is to use the wings Freya’s cloak gave you. Didn't opt for wings? You might try climbing a mountain or a very, very tall tree. Perhaps an elven mystic will trade you a potion to grant you wingless flight, or a dwarven inventor will lend you their flying machine. Perhaps even the great eagle of Yggdrasil respects you enough to give you a ride, or you get there through astral projection. However you want to reach the sky, it’s up to you!

Item Drops: Leaves, Feathers, Rainbow, Weather Effects, Gyrfalcon, Black Woodpecker, White Wagtail, Goldcrest, Magpie, Boreal Owl, Soprano Bat

Unlock by gaining the Valkyrie title

NOTE: Universal Exploration Area Unlock does not unlock this area! You can use a Bonfire Beacon to unlock this area.

This exploration area can be but does not have to be a lore location.

The following lore locations can be depicted in this exploration area if lore location depiction notes are met:  Any