Lesson 2

"My school party"

Дати уроку: 25.03 - 4-В

27.03 - 4- А, Б, Г

Хід уроку

Good day, Kids! You are at home.

What are you doing now?

What is your sister or brother doing?

What is your mum or dad doing?

What is your pet doing?

1) Listen to the Videosong. What are children doing?

2) Do exercises on the following worksheets:

3) CB p.85 Listen and number the pictures:


4) Look at pictures!What are people doing?

H/W: Test on Unit 12

WB. p.86-87

Do your homework, make a copy or a photo and send me till 30.03 on my e-mail: melashenko_tanya@yahoo.com !

(Виконай д.з. , сфотографуй або надішли копію на мою адресу до 30.03)

Be healthy!