Lesson 1

"Getting ready for the party"

Дати уроку: 24.03 - 4-А, Б, В

25.03 - 4- Г

Хід уроку

Good day to You!

Hope you are fine and healthy!

1) Find opposites: (знайди протилежності)

2) What are you doing?

  • I' m speaking.

  • She's reading.

  • You're listening.

3) Edd ending -ing to the verbs:

  • watch -

  • stop -

  • plan -

  • cut -

  • eat -

  • win -

  • meet -

4) Listen to the videosong, answer the question: What are children doing?

ex. He is drawing.

5) CB. p.84 Ex2 Listen and read, answer the question: What is Bella and her family doing?


H/W: CB. p.84 Ex.3

WB. p.84,85

Do your homework, make a copy or a photo and send me till 25/26.03 on my e-mail: melashenko_tanya@yahoo.com !

(Виконай д.з. , сфотографуй або надішли копію на мою адресу до 25/26.03)

Have a nice Day!