Welcome to Utah's Judicial Branch

Welcome Message - Chief Justice Durrant.mp4

Chief Justice Matthew B. Durrant

I extend a warm welcome to you as a new employee in Utah's Judicial Branch. A courthouse is a sanctuary. Within its walls, the rule of law reigns supreme. No one is above the law, and no one is beneath its protections. Over the years, I’ve learned that most people care deeply about integrity, honesty, character, decency, and fairness. Those are the values that resound within the walls of our courthouses and in our judiciary as a whole. You are here because of evidence that you reflect those values and will contribute to the legacy of our courts as sanctuaries. Thank you for your enthusiasm and willingness to serve alongside all the dedicated people working in Utah’s judiciary.

Welcome Message - Ron Gordon.mp4

Ronald B. Gordon, Jr., State Court Administrator

I join with Chief Justice Durrant in welcoming you to the Utah Courts. You have joined an extraordinary team of judges and employees who serve Utah's citizens in support of our mission: to provide an open, fair, efficient, and independent system for the advancement of justice under the law. We are the third branch of government, untethered from our co-equal partners in the executive and legislative branches. As such, we are uniquely situated to resolve legal disputes and improve access to justice in Utah. You are here because you bring a combination of education, experience, skills, and talents that will enhance our work. Your contributions will make a significant difference in the lives of many. I look forward to serving alongside you.

Human Resources Department

The work you are about to embark on is noble, and the organization you are now joining has an inspiring legacy and a thrilling future. We hope the resources you find on this website and our team's support are helpful as you learn about your new role. We are ready to help you with anything you need. Find our contact page here if you have questions. Welcome to the Utah Judicial Branch!