Total Compensation Bulletin: FY25

Fiscal Year 2025 Salary Updates (July 2024-June 2025)

Sequence of Actions Effective on June 22, 2024

Salary actions effective on June 22, 2024, will be processed according to the following sequence:

More information about these salary actions is found below - both in this section and in other sections of this bulletin.

Labor Market Increase (SB 8)

The legislature provided funding equivalent to a 3% labor market increase for state employees as follows:

Pay for Performance (SB 8)

The legislature approved funding for Pay for Performance increases for state employees.

Judicial Officer Compensation (SB 8)

The legislature approved funding to provide increases for judicial officers. Details are as follows:  

Court Commissioner Compensation

**IMPORTANT** The Office of the Guardian ad Litem (GAL) budget is its own separate line item, and GAL employee compensation is administered independently by the GAL Director. Specific questions about GAL employee compensation should go to the GAL Director.

Retirement Legislative Updates

Legislative Updates Impacting Leave Benefits

HB 75 Paid Leave Modifications (effective 5/1/24) - This bill addresses paid leave for certain state employees, which includes non-judicial officer employees of the judicial branch. With respect to parental leave: 

SB 174 Safe Leave Amendments (effective 1/1/25) - This bill establishes safe leave as a form of paid leave available to certain state employees, which includes non-judicial officer employees of the judicial branch. It requires managers to allow an employee described above to use up to one week of paid safe leave per calendar year under certain conditions for a reason related to:

Medical, Dental, Vision Updates

Open enrollment begins on April 15th and runs through May 31st, to learn more about Open Enrollment, please visit our Open Enrollment page and/or PEHP's open enrollment page for a virtual presentation.  

Premiums Increase

New Cost Differences Between Advantage & Summit Networks 

» Your PEHP network determines which doctors, hospitals, and clinics you visit for in-network healthcare. 

» If you’re on the Advantage Network, you will pay more per paycheck. 

» If you’re on the Summit Network, you will pay less per paycheck. 

» The difference in cost is because healthcare facilities in the Advantage Network charge more than healthcare facilities in the Summit Network for the same services. 

STAR HSA Plan Changes 

» The deductible will increase to comply with minimum deductible limits under federal law for qualified high-deductible health plans. 

» The out-of-pocket maximum (OOPM) is changing to align them with the Traditional Plan. 

» For double/family plans, there will be an individual OOPM cap of $4,000, providing relief for a member facing high healthcare costs. This means that if one family member’s out-of-pocket spending will be capped at $4,000 rather than having to meet the entire family OOPM as in the previous plan year. 

» If you’re on the single plan, your employer HSA contribution will increase by $125 to make up for your higher plan limits. More details

HCR 2 Concurrent Resolution for State Health Plan (effective 7/1/24) - The resolution directs the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program to:

Health Savings Account (HSA) Contribution Limit Updates

Single: $1,973.52 (was $1,824.72)

Double: $3,972.24 (was $3,649.68)

Family: $4,089.36 (was $3,649.68)

Flexible Spending Account (FSA/FLEX$) Updates

The FLEX$ rollover limit increased to $640. Therefore, you may roll over up to $640 into the new plan year. Anything beyond that will be forfeited.

New FLEX$ Limits

Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) Updates

If you choose the STAR HSA or Consumer Plus plans and are not eligible for a health savings account (HSA), your employer contribution will be deposited into an HRA instead.

An HRA is an employer-paid fund that reimburses you for qualified medical expenses for you and your dependents. However, unlike with an HSA, you can’t make personal contributions to an HRA. Funds rollover year-to-year, however, if you leave employment there is only a three-year period to spend the funds or they are forfeited. Check with your employer on how much and how often they contribute to the HRA. For more information about FLEX$, HSAs, or HRAs, call 801- 366-7503 or 800-753-7703.

Lastly, the HRA is NOT eligible for the cash conversion options available for HSAs.