Judicial Officers

Court Commissioner Compensation

The Judicial Council sets compensation for court commissioners annually, consistent with and governed by UCJA 3-201(9). Minutes from the March 2023 Judicial Council meeting under the State Court Administrator's report reflect the Judicial Council decision that court commissioners receive 90% of a district court judge's annual salary for the 2024 fiscal year (beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024).

FY24 - Judicial Finance Worksheet.pdf

Justice and Judge Compensation

Compensation for district, juvenile, and appellate court judges and justices of the Supreme Court is set annually in an appropriations act by the Utah Legislature, consistent with and governed by UCA §67-8-2. The relevant appropriations act from the General Session 2023 is SB003. It states, "The Legislature intends the salary for a District Court judge for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, shall be $203,700. The Legislature intends that other judicial salaries shall be calculated by the formula outlined in UCA Title 67 Chapter 8 Section 2 and rounded to the nearest $50."

Additional details are provided in the "Judges Pay Schedule FY24" document and Policies HR06-3 and HR06-4.

Judicial Officer Compensation for FY25

The relevant appropriations act from the General Session 2024 is SB0008. It states, "The Legislature intends the salary for a District Court judge for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, shall be $213,900. The Legislature intends that other judicial salaries shall be calculated by the formula outlined in UCA Title 67 Chapter 8 Section 2 and rounded to the nearest $50."

The Judicial Council sets compensation for court commissioners annually, consistent with and governed by UCJA 3-201(9). The State Court Administrator's report reflects the Judicial Council decision that court commissioners receive 90% of a district court judge's annual salary for the 2025 fiscal year (beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025).

FY25 - Judicial Finance Worksheet.pdf

For questions regarding judicial compensation, please contact the HR Department.