Life Changing Events

Life Changing Event Resources

Many employees experience life changing events during their career as a state employee. To help you during these times of change, the HR department has compiled some helpful resources to remind you of necessary benefit updates or actions.

Note: This is a suggested list; not all content may be applicable to your situation and you may also need to contact or update other information in addition to the information provided in these lists.

Updating your address due to a move or new home

Updating your name with the state and Social Security

Resources for your new spouse such as insurance benefits

Adding your new dependent to your insurance, etc.

Making changes to your benefits due to a divorce or separation

Resources to assist surviving family due to the death of an employee

Resources to assist employees due to the death of a spouse/dependent

Policies and procedures for verification of employment requests

Reporting discrimination, harassment and retaliation

Guidelines for reporting workplace injuries