Interns & Volunteers

Unpaid Interns & Volunteers

Using an agreement for interns and volunteers is important for several reasons. For one, it sets clear expectations and establishes a mutual understanding between the Courts and the individual regarding their roles, responsibilities, and conduct. By outlining the terms and conditions of the service, the agreement helps prevent any misunderstandings or conflicts that may arise during the internship or volunteer period.

The agreement also emphasizes the importance of adhering to the Employee Code of Conduct in HR09. This ensures that the intern or volunteer understands and agrees to abide by the ethical standards, professional behavior, and values upheld by the Courts. Promoting respect, integrity, and professionalism helps maintain a positive and productive work environment.

Furthermore, the agreement includes a clause on confidentiality, which is crucial for protecting sensitive information and maintaining the Courts' reputation. Interns and volunteers often have access to confidential data, proprietary knowledge, or insider information, and it is essential to establish their commitment to maintaining strict confidentiality during their service. This helps safeguard the Courts' intellectual property, client information, and any other confidential matters, fostering trust and confidence among stakeholders.

A signed agreement provides legal protection for the Courts and the intern or volunteer. It serves as a legally binding document that can be referred to in case of any disputes or breaches of agreement. This formalizes the relationship between the parties involved and ensures everyone knows their rights and obligations.

What forms should an unpaid intern or volunteer complete?

If you are interested in hiring a paid intern, please contact HR to begin the onboarding process.

Background Checks

Unpaid Interns and Volunteer BCI Background Checks

Paid Interns BCI Background Checks

The background check process for new employees is the same for paid interns. If you are interested in hiring a paid intern, please contact HR to begin the onboarding process.

HR completes background checks and notifies the hiring manager of the results via email or phone, depending on the results. The hiring manager may then make a final hiring decision consistent with policy HR04-14 governing background checks.Â