Rewarding Performance

A limited, yet significant amount of authority has been granted to Courts management by the Judicial Council for using one-time turnover savings (1xTS) and ongoing turnover savings (OTS) for certain types of incentive awards and salary increases. These memorandums give detailed information about this authority.

Authority for Incentive and Bonus Rewards

1xTS Incentives Bonuses.pdf

Authority for "Hot-Spot" Salary Increases

Request to Delegate Spending Authority to Adminsitrator for up to $110K of Ongoing Turnover Savings vFINAL.pdf

Process to request Ongoing Turnover Savings

Process for Requesting Ongoing Turnover Savings.doc

These view-only templates may be copied by a manager or supervisor to create documentation for an employee incentive award and/or administrative salary increase (ASI) AFTER the following steps have been taken:

Submitting a completed memorandum to HR using these templates assumes the submitter has already completed the above steps.

Incentive and bonus awards for performance and other reasons may be submitted for consideration at any time. Requests for performance-based Administrative Salary Increases (ASIs) are solicited by Court Level Administrators during the last quarter of the fiscal year. Hot-spot ASIs may be submitted for consideration at any time.

The following HRIS Action Reasons will be used, depending on the approved reason for granting the increase:

To create an editable version of these templates, open in Google Docs, then select File --> Make a copy from the Google Docs Menu Bar

Employee Performance/Hot Spot/New Hire Bonus Memo Template

Template: Incentive Award Request

Employee Performance/Hot Spot/New Hire Raise Memo Template

Administrative Salary Increase Request Template