Bereavement (Funeral) Leave

Support During Mourning

As an employee, you may need time away from work to address funeral arrangements, tend to other affairs, or grieve after the loss of a loved one. The judiciary allows management the ability to grant at least three work days of paid bereavement leave to employees following the loss of a family member. Additional leave may be authorized at management discretion, depending on circumstances. Bereavement leave (coded as OE Other Emergency on your timesheet) cannot be charged against annual leave and is at the discretion of an employee's management.

Bereavement leave must be coordinated with your supervisor and may be granted for each occurrence following the death of an indirect family member or close relative. Family members are those who are relatives of the employee or their spouse and include in-laws, step-relatives, spouses, parents, siblings, children, all levels of grandparents, or all levels of grandchildren. Management may also grant bereavement leave for other unique family relationships at their discretion.

Since grief affects people in various ways, we encourage employees to take advantage of the employee assistance program's bereavement resources. Blomquist Hale offers resources to help during loss, including counseling and crisis services.Â