Site Layout

The site is broken down into 4 zones for convenience. To utilize the machinery and to proceed in the safest manner, zone 1 will be graded to completion and then the rest of the zones will be worked on.

Stations will originally be set up just east of zone 1, and upon completion of the grading for zone 1, will be moved closer to the other three zones.

Project Timeline

The project will take approximately 19 days to complete (including weekends and holidays). The project is scheduled to start on Monday, September 2nd 2019, and is estimated to be completed by Thursday, September 19th 2019.

Construction will occur Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 4 PM daily. Construction will not take place on September 13th 2019 as it is the Mid Autumn Festival, which is a Chinese National Holiday.

Resource Utilization

Various machinery will be used to help facilitate the project. In order to complete the project quickly and cause as little disruption as possible, a larger fleet of machinery was chosen.

The machinery that will be used in the project is listed below:

3 Excavators

48 Trucks

5 Dozers

Cost Estimate

Summary of Costs

Total Direct Cost: $333 325.19

Indirect Cost: $146 663.44

Contingency: $30 000.00

Total value of $509 983.63

References for Images
Resources Utilization:obtained from on April 4 2019