Potential Impacts

Since the duration of this project is happening during the school days, there are lots of issues that can impact the people and the surrounding community. For this analysis, the main focuses are traffic, air condition, noise, and the environment.


Public consultation: Flyers will detail construction schedule and any lane closures over the project period. They will be distributed to residents and companies in the area prior to construction, along with a phone number that can be contacted for inquiries.

Furthermore we will be holding an open house to share the construction plan with the community, let the public know about our working hours, and answer any questions.

Signs and permits will be obtained early to ensure that proper protocol is maintained in regards to traffic accommodation. Speed limit reduction signs, barricades, and work lights will also be installed prior to construction, along with a temporary sidewalk for the students and school staff.

Weather and Atmospheric Concerns

The weather around September and October is mild and sunny, with high humidity. Generally there will be nine (9) days of rain in September.

As mentioned, due to construction breathing masks will be supplied to crews and the air quality will be regularly monitored.


Noise will be a huge factor since a large portion need to be excavated on the west side. However, since waste will be hauled away early on, it’ll have less disruption towards the neighbourhood and the northside library.

Noisy activities such as vibration compaction will comply to proper decibel levels and the community will be made aware of activities.


Dust control will be maintained by using water.

The tree covered area will be protected using fencing.