Construction Activities

Earthwork Schedule

The project will begin on September 2, 2019 with a tentative completion date of October 4, 2019.

Crew & Machine Utilization

For this project, Triple AC conducted a productivity analysis for crew and machine utilization. Two crews will be working simultaneously from the North and South sides of the site, therefore two excavators, along with their respective operators and helpers, will be needed. One to three dozers and operators will be required for the earthmoving, while up to twelve trucks and drivers will move in and out of the site to take excess material to a waste site 30 km away.

Safety Hazard & Risk Assessment

At Triple AC, we are commited to health and safety striving for a goal of zero incidences. For this project, a mandatory safety orientation is required for all personnel entering the site, including construction workers, supervisors and stakeholders. To maintain safety on site, signage and barricades will be displayed and mitigation measures will be taken to minimize potential impacts.

Cost Estimation

Based on our crew and machine utilization, the total project budget is $564,528.47. The budget breakdown is displayed in the chart.

Contact Us

Office: 9826 15 Avenue, Guangzhou, China

Telephone: +86-22222-BUILD
