Safety Considerations

At SAB construction, we place a major emphasis on the safety aspect of our projects. Due to our vast portfolio of jobs on the go, our in-house HSE supervisor looks after all of our projects under $1M, such as this one. For many larger jobs, we assign a specific HSE person to be in charge of that singular site.

We have three main criteria that need to be met for each jobsite. First, all workers are briefed on every possible risk they may come across at the start of the day by the crew Foreman. Each worker will complete a hazard assessment prior to the start of each day. Second, all of our jobsites are adequately stocked with all necessary First-aid equipment, and any other resources that ensure a healthy working environment, such as water. And Third, we have strict PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) guidelines for all workers to adhere to.

It is our hope, that through these methods, we can achieve a zero-incident goal on all of our projects. For this particular job site, our considerations are discussed below


  1. Work ongoing next to a school during classes
  2. Lots of interaction between manpower and equipment.
  3. Significant road-crossing by both workers, trucks, and excavator
  4. Late summer work - days can get very hot


  1. Our job starts as far from campus as possible, when it comes time to move closer, we will assign a specific crew member to first move the walkway for patrons to a safer destination, as well as monitor the school boundaries regularly.
  2. Each day, once workers are assigned tasks, they will all fill out a hazard assessment to themselves of their close proximity to the excavator and dozer and what specific dangers to look out for. The HSE supervisor will visit the site each day to make sure workers are appropriately assessing risk, and wearing all proper PPE.
  3. Once it becomes time to start hauling earth across the busy street to our designated "Campus Storage" pile, we will assign at least one crew member the specific task of monitoring all road-crossing. They will have the responsibility of making sure there is minimal interference with traffic, and the dumptrucks can complete their tasks as efficiently as possible
  4. Foremen will be required to supply water and sunscreen, as well as any other necessities to workers throughout the day. The First Aid station will be fully accessible, and if anybody is experiencing any forms of heat-sensitivity, they will be told to stop work immediately and seek shelter out of the sun