Major Equipment

All Equipment can only pass through nodes in which grading work has been completed


Excavators are heavy construction equipment consisting of a boom, dipper, bucket and cab on a rotating platform. They will be responsible for digging up loose materials. We have two excavators working in our construction site. The excavator will be operating at a utilization rate of 73%



Dozer is a construction equipment that uses a substantial metal plate used to push large quantities of soil, sand and rubble. On our site, we will have a dozer working in a team with an excavator and helper with a utilization rate of 67%.



An articulate vehicle is a vehicle which has a permanent or semi-permanent pivot joints in its construction, allowing the vehicle to turn more sharply. On our construction site, we will have the AT trucks hauling excess earth to waste site located 30km from our construction site. Our trucks will be operating at 94% utilization rate.



Our proposed work plan has six work packages:

  1. Work Package 1: Staging and Mobilization
    • Site Trailer will be installed
  2. Work Package 2: Fence and Temporary road will be set up in this stage
  3. Work Package 3: Cut to Fill
    • Dozers will be used in this work package as well as an excavator
  4. Work Package 4: Cut to Waste
    • Trucks will be used in this work package as well as an excavator
  5. Work Package 5: Water Pond Removal
  6. Work Package 6: Stage Removal

Most of these work packages will occur simultaneously to reduce construction time.