Cost Estimate

Indirect Cost Assumptions

  • Equipment is rental (ie. no ownership costs associated with them)
  • Bond cost based off interest rate of 5 years in China (MARR)
  • The grading work was treated as a subcontract
  • Mobilization Costs ie. fences, move in/move out, cleanup (for overhead and profits) were assumed to be 7-10% of the total direct costs
  • For contingency, the soil type, moisture and degree of internal friction of the soil are evaluated in lab tests. These items will affect the overall project costs; therefore, if they were unknown a higher percentage of contingency is required
  • Insurance, Permits and Engineering fees were based off average percentages

Total Project Costs

  • Our total bid price for this project is $759,916.23 which is shown in the table above
  • We separated our costs for both work packages including labour cost, equipment cost and total crew cost for each job number, which can be seen in the tables below
  • The costs were based off ideal crew productivity and each job duration