Zoomed Shoe

3 Zoomed View

Graphite pencils on drawing paper

9" x 12"

Seasoned (Abstract Zoomed Shoe)

Printmaking paper, colored pencils, fine-tipped Sharpie, markers, & graphite pencils.

11" x 14"

Artist Statement:

For my Zoomed View of a Shoe, I had to take a previous Pure Contour Shoe drawing of mine and zoom in on it three times. I chose to zoom in on an area of the shoe that had lots of different curves and sections, which was the laced area. For my Abstract Zoomed shoe, I was supposed to take one of the view images in my Zoomed Shoe drawings and make it into something (I chose the second view). Looking at the curves of it, I decided they looked like roller coaster tracks, so I made them into that, and I decided to fill the remaining space with different landscapes as if the people were riding through them.

In my 3 Zoomed View project, I only used 2H and 6B graphite pencils on a piece of drawing paper. For my Abstract Zoomed Shoe drawing, I used various colored pencils, markers, graphite pencils, and a fine-tipped Sharpie pen on a piece of printmaking paper.

For my 3 Zoomed View project, I started with a pure contour drawing of a shoe. Taking this, I used a viewfinder and zoomed in on a specific area of the shoe (a part with the laces). I then replicated what I saw through the viewfinder onto a separate piece of paper. With this new drawing, I used a viewfinder again and likewise replicated what I saw onto another piece of paper. I then did this once more with my latest piece of paper. For my Abstract Zoomed Shoe drawing, I then had to choose which zoomed image I was going to focus on, and I chose the second zoomed drawing. I had to make this drawing into something, either realistic or abstract. When looking at the different curves of the lines, I decided that my drawing kind of looked like a roller coaster. I then turned the lines into the rail of a roller coaster and added little people in carts to them. For the leftover space, I used the different sections to add different landscape scenes, because I thought that there would be enough different ones that I could fill every section. After I sketched these out, I filled everything in with colored pencils. Finally, on top of this, I used a little bit of marker to give my piece a less grainy look.