

Blue Bird (assemblage sculpture)

Newsprint paper, Masking tape, Duct tape, Tissue paper, Wet glue, Lined paper, Cardstock

Artist Statement:

For this project, we were required to create an assemblage sculpture with materials of our choice. I was not as hung up on a choice of materials as I was on the design itself. I wanted to use paper, but not white paper. I wanted my design to pop a little, so I chose to create some sort of animal with lots of colors. I ended up choosing a peacock, which in general are very vibrant and majestic creatures.

I used a lot of materials for this project. I used newsprint paper, masking tape, duct tape, tissue paper, cardstock, construction paper, lined paper, and finally wet glue.

To start, I took lots of newsprint paper and crumpled it into forms, then taped these forms with masking tape. This created the structure of my sculpture. I wrapped this in a thick layer of duct tape on top of this. Then, I added a layer of tissue paper. Finally, I added the eyes, the 'crown,' and the feathers with paper.