Tape Murals


Painter's tape, masking tape

Progress photos:

Artist Statement:

This project was meant to focus on widening the scale of our work and changing materials by using painter's tape to create a mural on a wall. I decided to go for some sort of geometric design, as it would be easier to create something like that with tape. I also wanted whatever I did to feature an animal, and I eventually settled on a beta fish.

The only materials that I used for the finished project were painter's tape and masking tape. However, when sketching out the design, I also used a pen.

The first thing I did was create a rough sketch of my design, and when it was finished, I made a few critiques here and there, such as changing the eye shape. Then, I began mapping out the shape of the fish on the wall, adjusting as needed. When the design was finished, I finally added some masking tape on the eye to give it more depth.  

Artist Statement:

Like the beta fish above, I had to create a large mural using tape. This time, the subject was chosen for me by my teacher: A falcon. 

The only material that I used for this project was painter's tape (unless you count an exacto knife).

I started by choosing one of the preselected photos chosen by my teacher. I began taping on the wall, starting with the frame. After that, I added in details and patterns. Finally, I cleaned the design up with an exacto knife.