Extended Blind Contour

Blind Contour Drawing

12" x 18"

Oil Pastel on Watercolor Paper

Extended Drawing

12" x 18"

Oil Pastel, chalk pastel, watercolor, marker, and black glue on Watercolor Paper

Artist Statement:

This assignment required us to look at at least four different faces, observe them, and draw them without looking at the paper and without lifting our oil pastel. We were then supposed to turn the faces or scribbles that we ended up with into anything of our choosing. Mine reminded me a little of Picasso's abstract take on the human face, so I turned the drawing into something like that, using many colors.

I used many materials for this piece of artwork, including the following: Oil pastels, chalk pastels, markers, watercolor, graphite pencils, and black glue. All of this was done on a sheet of watercolor paper.

The first thing I did was create observational scribbles/sketches of the five faces I chose to observe. After this was done, I decided on my theme, which was Picasso-inspired. I tried oil pastel first, but it blended with the rest of the oil pastel, so I used chalk pastel to fill out all of the colors. I then went over the black lines with more oil pastel or black glue. After that, I added watercolor to fill out the background.