Sustained Investigation #2

All-Consuming Thoughts

9" x 12"

Adobe Photoshop

Artist Statement:

The main thinking for this project was focused around editing an image in Adobe Photoshop. Originally, I was influenced by the artist Bisa Butler, who uses color to show depth, something I was intrigued by and wanted to try myself. However, I wasn't having much success or making headway, so I decided to focus more on composition and how I could utilize it as a tool while still using Photoshop. 

As mentioned previously, I used Adobe Photoshop to create this image digitally. The only tools I really used, therefore, were tools within the app.

I started by taking an image of my dog and overlaying it in Photoshop with the paint tool, giving it a paint by number style. I then tried to take these "chunks" of color and translate them to the Bisa Butler style, but I wasn't successful and moved on to other ideas. I used some filters and adjustments to clean it up. Then, I changed the composition from centered to the bottom right corner, with a blank background. This was to give the viewer a sense that my dog was looking up, and leave it to mystery what he was thinking of.