Beautiful Oops


Watercolor paper, acrylic paint, colored pencils.

11" x 9"

Artist statement:

I started with the inkblot that makes the black "paint" on one of the flower petals. At first, I was going to make the blot part of something in a picture, like a mark on a dog or some strange evil eye. I then decided to try and create a shape with the blot and a pencil. Following the lines, the best shape I could make was something like a petal. This is what I then made the mark into. I decided that the inkblot would be paint on the petal, and then I went ahead and made a "color wheel" on the flower.

For this project, I used an 11” x 9” piece of watercolor paper, acrylic paint, a black colored pencil, a brown-colored pencil, and a blue-gray colored pencil. Other than that, I used an H charcoal pencil.

I did a lot of experimenting in this piece. The first part I tinkered with was what I wanted to make in the first place. I was originally going to make some sort of strange being or monster with my inkblot, making it into a mouth or an eye. Then, I had the idea to turn the blot into a flower petal. From there, the rest was fairly straightforward. The only other adjustments I made were with the shading of the petals, the paint, and the backdrop.