Sustained Investigation #3

Puffin on the Beach

9" x 12"

Paper, glue, sharpies, bristol board

Artist Statement:

My main inspiration for this piece was to create a portrait (of an animal) through a collage. I wanted to cut up pieces of magazine paper to do this. I decided on a puffin because while I wanted my subject to be colorful, I didn't want it to be overwhelmingly colorful. The puffin was a good compromise, as it allowed me to use color where I wanted elsewhere without it being too much. 

The primary material I used for this project was magazine paper, with some computer paper. I glued this paper together. On top of this paper, I used Sharpie to add a few small details after I was done. I composed this piece on bristol board paper. 

I started by finding my reference photo, and then sketching the outline for my design out onto a piece of bristol board. Then, I cut out pieces of magazine paper and sorted them by color. After that, I glued them on the paper. Tweaking shades of color to be more vibrant than they were in my reference photo. I also added water in the background and a sunset sky. Finally, I added some small details on the eyes and the beak with a fine-point Sharpie.