Pure Contour

Hand Holding a Rubber band

Drawing paper, Graphite Pencils

9" x 12"

Frontal View of Shoe

Drawing paper, graphite pencils

9" x 12"

Aerial View of Shoe

Drawing paper, Graphite Pencils

9" x 12"

Side View of Shoe

Drawing paper, Graphite Pencils

9" x 12"

Artist Statement:

All of my pure contour drawings made me experiment with different objects I was observing. For all of them, I had to notice a lot of details and replicate them as dark, clean lines. For the hand drawing, I had to draw all of the wrinkles and crevices of my skin. For the views of the shoe, I had to work a lot with shaping perspective. For one of the views of the shoe(s), I chose a Ked because I wanted more variation in my drawings.

For all four of my pieces, I used a 2H and 6B graphite pencil. Each piece was drawn on a piece of drawing paper.

My drawings all started out as rough sketches of whatever I was observing, and they were only very vague shapes. After I had established a basic structure, I went in and fixed or corrected the shapes (I used a 2H pencil for this part). Finally, I went over all of the lines with a dark 6B graphite pencil.