Sustained Investigation #12

The Guide

9" x 12"

Digital Art

Artist Statement:

For this project, which was my twelfth sustained investigation, I wanted to focus on service animals, specifically, service dogs. I wanted to show that animals can act as people's eyes, which is one of the more positive ways that humans and animals can impact each other, following my sustained investigation.

For this project, I experimented with a digital art platform. This was the best way, I thought, to be able to create the specific details and colors that I wanted to. Additionally, the fading effect on the edges was easier for me to create on a digital platform.

I first created the realistic dog and the background. The more colorful and clear parts were supposed to show the clarity or the "sight" that a guide dog such as this can provide. I then added the figure and the faded edges, to show a contrasting lack of sight. Overall, I wanted this to represent the service that dogs provide to humans, and how this brings companionship and aid.Â