Palette Knife Painting

The Lupin Field

Acrylic Paint

Artist Statement:'

This time, we were asssigned to create a painting where we were only allowed to use palette knives. The subject was of our choosing. Apparently, palette knife paintings are easier when your subject is a landscape, so I chose a picture I took of a lupin field that I had taken. 

For this project, I used acrylic paint and various palette knives, nothing else. 

First, we had to make an undercoat on the boards we were all given. It was red, but because my painting was not going to have many warm colors, I quickly painted over it. I started by painting a dark green color on the bottom half for the foreground, then white on the top for the background. It took lots of trial and error for me to get the sky an acceptable color and texture. Then, I began on the treeline and grass, starting dark and slowly building my way up to lighter shades. Finally, I added in the lupins, which were a bunch of random shades of whites, pinks, purples, and blues.