Duck Stamp

Duck Stamp Project

9" x 12"

Ink on scratchboard

Artist Statement:

This project was based off of an event hosted by the Maine Audubon: the Maine Junior Duck Stamp. We were required to choose a duck from a preselected list of species native to Maine. I chose the Northern Pintail originally, but in the end, switched to a King Eider. I had switched to scratchboard at that point, and Eider's have more color.

I was originally going to complete my project using colored pencil, but I decided to move to scratchboard. When using scratchboard, I used ink dye to add color.

I first scratched out my duck on the scratchboard, leaving the rest black. I then colored my duck because I wanted the duck itself to set the base for the rest of the art. After this, I worked on the water. When this was done, I moved to the weeds, and after that, I filled in remaining color.