
The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?.......J. B. Priestley

First time I have seen snow falls in Italy from Guala Residence in early November of 1998. That time, myself and my long time friend from NITIE Prashant Dongre were sharing room at Guala. Prashant woke up before me and noticed that it started snowing outside. I rushed outside to the balcony when he informed me. I was just hoping before I return to India, if I could get a chance to see snowfall in Turin. Luckily I could and I was hypnotized by the beauty and the out of the world experience of the snow fall.

The biggest difference of snowfall from any other natural phenomenon like rain, storm etc is, its divine silence. The landscape is changing so much so rapidly but in amazing silence without a single murmur even the birds or animals also remain astonishingly quiet when it happens.

And very soon when the white stuff starts gathering on the ground the very known world become an unknown mystical place. It is no more the road we take everyday, in front of your eyes it is converting into a place out of fairy tale. There is no diversity on the ground, no grass, no dirt, no road, no trace of any other color except the brilliant pure white.

After seeing that first time the closest memory I could relate with was, when I was about 5-6 years old, once at our place there was an heavy hailing almost through out the night. When we look out side it was all white no road, no grass all covered under white ice. It was such a terrible hailing the stress of ice we could see even after sun rise in next day morning.

My first encounter with snowfall is a always nostalgic memory to me.

Another interesting thing of snow falls is, it falls on every inch of the ground following the true random theory of statistics. And the result is, any object which goes under the white powder, you can see the exact profile of that object on the gathered snow. To me, it is very interesting to observe. Pushing the scientific observation back of my mind, its really amazing to sit and watch mother nature with her divine brush strokes in action, when it snows.

After that I had seen snow falls in many other places at Bear valley of California, on Mt. Fuji Japan, in Pennsylvania, Iowa , Indiana,  Upstate New York, famous lake effect snow in Michigan, in UK and many other places. I have seen terrible crippling of the daily life due to snow, horrible driving experience on black ice, suffered with flight delays caused by heavy snow many times. Even all these painful experiences, I still love snow fall. I wish, if every corner of the world at least one day in a year would get an opportunity to go under the blanket of snow, then people could look at their known world with a different landscape and experience this amazing natural phenomenon.

Some more snow fall experience I’ll elaborate when I’ll get time :

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