Nature is the best

My childhood study room

আনন্দধারা বহিছে ভুবনে, দিনরজনী কত অমৃত রস উথলি যায় অনন্ত গগণে.........

At the beginning our house was made of two adjacent tin build rooms and a darma ( some material made out of bamboo) made kitchen which was standing separately. In front of the tin build rooms, we had a covered veranda spreading along the rooms facing the south. The kitchen had a mud build floor but other two rooms and the veranda had a concrete floor. But the floor was quite old which had lot of cracks, as the mud filling under the floor had moved away over the time and due to pressure from the top the surface was pushed down.  During summer time these rooms used to get very hot as tin absorbs the sun heat very quickly. And we didn’t have electricity at home till I was about 10 years old, so the only mean for cooling down was the hand fans, made from palm tree leaves.  This memory comes from those pre electricity days.

In the summer evening, it was much comfortable in the veranda. As the south side was totally open, neither us, nor any of our neighbors had boundary walls or fencings so from our veranda you can see the station road about 500 yards away, other than little obstruction caused by small bushes in between the sight. So a soothing stream of open air used to flow over the veranda. If the evening is very hot, some time we do our study sitting on that veranda. We carefully place the kerosene lamp behind the pillar so that the wind doesn’t blow it off and do our home-works and study spreading a mat over the veranda. Those study session flashbacks are very alive in my mind.

Specially when it is a no moon night, and the fireflies floating all around, sitting in that half dark half illuminated veranda, doing study and sometime look at the dancing of lights was a mystic experience.  And a constant sound of crickets and frogs used to make it a strange ambience. I think, I used to get more concentration to study during that time. The world is so much full and so much content, you just get absorbed in what you are doing at that very moment.


Today when we try to create the right ambiance to study, we just put attention to silence, no disturbance, proper light, comfortable temperature, in all these factors. Compare to all these, we had nothing over there, but nature offered a right mixture of few natural ingredient and cooked up such a right place to study. That’s why I feel no matter, how far our imagination and creativity can take us, we can never exceed what naturally comes out from this beautiful world.


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