Spirit of the land named America

......in the eyes of a person from Land of Spirituality

United States of America will secure its top position in most of the indexes, today's world consider as,  parameters of prosperity.  More importantly they strive to reach this level from ground zero and maintained its position for significantly long period of time, comparing the fastest changing age of the human kind. There are numerous conspiracy theories at various level about this success, but with out giving much attention to it if we try to do some soul searching, we will find some amazing sparkle of human values and actions, which can be practiced in any human society and at any other place and at any period of humanity. In fact these are not new practices to the history of humanity, but the importance of discussing about the brightest case study of success, is an attempt of self improvement at both as a person or as a community.

But all these have started from a dark story, which everybody down plays, the tragic extinction of native culture and local values of a large piece of land on the world map,  the early 100 years history of  the colonization in America is filled with brutal fight and clashes which resulted almost the elimination of local society, its culture, local values, almost everything. Today America, in various level, attempts to pay it back, encourages to surface out those old Red Indian culture and preserve it.

But in those days the imbalance of European fire arm against the local tribal warfare paid a high price and a vast amount of land on earth has been left as an untapped natural resource with infinite possibilities. Ironically at that time, those were not the resources, which made the European colonizers to spread across the globe not even came to America for that, they were in search of more trade-able goods in European Market.

But those early wild history of America is not the time where we’ll see the right spark, which took America to its current position. It is like the wild fire which destroys a vast forest but which doesn’t ensure that, the land will turn into a beautiful meadow, full of gorgeous trees and beautiful flowers and exotic birds. It only happens, if the right seeds can be migrated over there and get an opportunity to nurture. Historically that’s exactly, what happened to this country and that’s where lies the spirit of America. 

People used to talk about the American Dream which made this country great but I have some doubt about it, these self centered, consumer centric dream has done the worst damage to this 500 year old country than anything else and its keep doing it. And it is taking the country to a debt trap, had forced its leaders to be manipulative to keep its statuesque and leading position to keep control over world resources to feed its American Dream life style. But unfortunately outside world tries to imitate that ‘American Dream’ and ‘American Lifestyle’.... which is doing more damage to the world than anything seen before, touching every urban corner of the world.

The true reason of America’s success was, it’s conducive environment to materialize a bright idea into a reality in an amazing speed which was never possible in any other part of the world in any society which is carrying legacy of thousands of years along with it. To describe this, taking help of a verse of Rabindranath Tagore “ …Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action…..” . At the very early stage of this country formation it was govern by some great leaders who could rightly channelize this spirit and could maintain this as a part of its way of living.

Next to be mentioned is the attitude and ideas of turning the abandons to useful opened up the doors for success to this country. And this method or technique of success can be applied anywhere in the world at any time, and that’s what world should learn from America. Examples are countless from crude oil, Aluminum, commercialization of electricity, Automobile to Aerospace, Long distance shopping to retail logistics, communication to computer industries everywhere you will see someone thought of providing customer a service with a new way at ridiculously low price using some innovative ideas or abandon resources. There are some applications of this factor at many other countries at different time, but such a continuous march of case studies over such a long period rarely seen in the history of mankind, and this has tremendous impact to maintain America’s position as world leader.

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