Learning to listen music

I love to listen music, it happens to me many times, a song appears so good to you that you keep on listening it again and again. But the same song is not appealing that much to the person beside you and we get surprised, wonder also get angry sometime for not being able to get connected with everybody in the room. I think, I am fortunate I cannot sing, I don't know how the professional singers control their emotion when it happens in their live performance.


Sometime it becomes other way round too. Someone passionately trying to make you to listen a song but you simply cannot appreciate it.  In situation like that I try to convince myself, Yep same piece of music, may not be appealing to me at all in this moment, but still we should try to keep up the habit of trying to realize the inner tune of the music, you may never know when the right meaning of the verse will appear to you or the very same tune resonates your heart.


In our culture we are told who reads great scripture regularly advances in spiritual path. Sometime it appears very silly and childish, but the true meaning behind this probably explained by somebody on the shopfloor of FIAT back in my Bombay days, that person spent almost his entire work life in a small engine production workshop and a very insignificant character in our modern vibrating civilized society with his education and presentation.


His name was Sawant or Samant, I can’t remember now very well. But his words I still remember…...


Once he told, Partho you may read a verse of Srimad Bhagabat Gita thousand times but still may not understand it, but suddenly when you are in the right mental and emotional state at your journey of life and you read it, the meaning will appear to you as 'so easy to comprehend'. We can’t fully control whatever happens around us but we can surely develop a habit of reading scriptures and wait for the right moment to unfold its true meaning to us.


On the other side you may create any form of Art,  putting your heart and soul in it and think you are being able to capture an eternal appeal in it and build up expectation that,  it will be appreciated with its true beauty to every mind and heart. But soon you may be disappointed not sensing that kind of resonance from every single direction.


But if the creation has something glorious, you may get vivacious appreciation, when it was least expected from the a person who couldn’t catch the tune last time. Only the right listeners of  right performers at right moment creates a music...... a symphony.  Those discrete moments of the singers and listeners divine harmony, produce the true value of a creation.


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