India, the land of spirituality

A person like me who has got an opportunity to learn what is India from the text books crafted by Indian Educational system then living the growing up days traveling from east to west of this piece of land experiencing its virtue,  its good, bad and ugly, and then realize how different its from the text book version.  Also get exposed little bit of spiritual aspect of this country, which I personally believe is the true essence of India. Then life thrown me out this country and gave an opportunity to see and experience the world outside.  At the same time tried keep in touch with all the conflicts of recent days with politically correct liberal statements questing very existence of this piece of land. Also seeing ideas and life style from outside spreading over remote corner of this piece of land,  in name of  global village, when value and tradition being challenged everyday.

Then looking around desperately for some resource which I can tell somebody to refer to create a close enough picture in mind of my India, probably these will be the one :

Michael Wood travels throughout the subcontinent, tracing the richness and diversity of its peoples, cultures and landscapes. Through ancient manuscripts and oral tales Wood charts the first human migrations out of Africa. He travels from the tropical backwaters of South India through lost ancient cities in Pakistan to the vibrant landscapes of the Ganges plain. Archaeological discoveries in the Bactria--Margiana

Finally Indian spiritual quest, which is beyond of any established religion of the world, but not only accept every religion but also confirms every single path towards Thee leads to same ultimate goal is nicely documented in this small video…

A very different characteristics of Indian Spirituality from so called other religion....