
Democracy : An eternal ( আবহমান ) phenomenon 

Some interesting questions around the political democracy, does democracy is a product of social evaluation of the humanity and driving human society in an ever before seen bright future ? also does this process always choose the  right decision for the group or for an individual ?  If we come down to the individual’s interest level, we have not to go far to understand. In how many incidents the public decision went against the individual interest ?  which we glorify in name of democracy. But interesting fact is, on many occasion cumulative decision goes against the right interest of the society too. But we need to accept it, that’s how the nature works. Similar behavior can be easily observed in many many species in the world where the democratic decision making keep things moving, no matter whether it’s good or bad.

Similar behavior can be observed when a herd of wild mammals moves for finding grass field or water, even insects like bees displays similar decision-making process in their day to day activities.


We wrongly try to give credit to the modern society for this collaborative decision-making process or democracy. Without ignoring the fact it is an effective tool of removing power from a wrong hand, when its necessary with relatively less blood shades, at the same time, it’s a tool like many other in modern society, which helps to spread the  illusion  of empowering common humble people. Actually in modern day democracy people are being fooled by telling, your single vote can make the big difference, so your vote is very important for the big agenda but the reality is if you have power and tool to influence 1000 voters with out having the right to apply single vote is more important in the election process. Modern democracy is just over glorifying ( without acknowledging  it can drive us to the wrong path also )   of a very common natural phenomenon.

If we watch closely how a school of fishes moves together or how a folk of birds migrate from one place to other we can easily observe a continuous election method is in action to move the entire group to an unimaginable distances. In this process no leader stands up then delivers an elevated speech and propose a plan of action and everybody follows. It goes how most of the individuals are moving very naturally rest follows them, no leader or election commission facilitate the process.