Bishh Saal baad - A Tribute to KLVM

Here is an email chain which brought a large group of school friends, close again, after two decades, many of us communicating first time in 20 years. If you can follow Bengali, please don’t forget to view Tirtha’s Chhoraa from attachment.

N.B. You may be interested to take a look on my other articles, some people say, they are very thought provoking and different


Parthasarathi Mridha    Mon, 27 Sep 2010


Twenty years have been passed.. but the memories of those days are as alive as it is of yesterday to me, I think it might be same for many of us. I consider myself very lucky…. we really got a chance of enjoying our childhood, … We didn’t have much compare to what today’s average middleclass family kids get, not even back on those days, but what we have a big gang of kids, all from the diversified economic standard but very common family values, with very common lifestyle… We played, dreamed, planned & executed lots of constructive ( sometime destructive too?) things together, grabbing whatever little resource we had.. But what we got in this process of growing up, no amount of money can buy. We learned to be happy, content and creative with very simple things from our life and spent a very happy childhood. That positive free spirit of generating ideas always helped me to develop as a person. I am sure all our friends of that group will tell exactly the same. I haven’t seen that spirit, that positive spark of life in many places. This is a golden memory of my life which always inspires me to look back to my growing up days.

to discuss about those days no amount of time will be good enough……. Many of us lost contact with each other over the time but I am sure all of us, some time wonder about each other….. what that item is doing now, where he is and ……wish get a chance to talk. Last few months, I got a chance to communicate with some of them after long long time, that give me an idea to share our email contacts  among each other to stay in touch..



Please share contact info of any others you have with you, so we can bring as many friends of our school as possible in a common directory.

Keep in touch…


Hritesh Baruri                        Monday, September 27, 2010


You almost made me cry, such a write up with so much feeling...

It is 20 years may be little more, I think I did not see you, Tirtha for 25 years, Surojit is in the US I will share his contact...

After so many years living in russia, travelled a lot around but still I do miss the school days

Yeh, You are right

Tirtha, this is hritesh, please write (if you are the Mota tirtha-who complained about me and suvomoy to nake-machi Sir for pouring ink in his Panjabi - I gave you a punch, wanted to give another but nake machi saw me and i had to leave the classroom - I am Sorry My Friend),

sometimes really feel for all those guys


Sukanta Sen Monday, September 27, 2010


Your words are so touching that the memories have come alive.


Tirtha Chattopadhyay Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Thanx for your mail.. You almost made me cry.... but every thing is same today... there is no difference between our time and this time... today also the Kanailal boys have the same feelings, same aspiration, enjoy same way of doing things...or spoil things....These are the story of Small Town boys across globe....rather, I can say we have changed ....we are no longer  small town kids satisfied with limited resources...we are not the same old charged up, motivated , Bengali medium schooled grown up kids......We are now so called PROFESSIONALs....nothing but a bunch of idiots ....who are striving for the best world order for our individual excellence...We are now see all the trivial issues through microscope to analise it from Global perspective.... During that process when our soul require some fresh Oxygen we are looking back to our roots ....and this is an ongoing process to complete the journey of life and to complete the circle.....

Onek Hejiachi abar thami...


Hritesh Baruri  Tuesday, September 28, 2010


somehow you have some strong points - but the kanailal boys are different with different gadgets etc..

we have changed - life kicks us to change according to the needs

as we are the small town boys from kanailal, what many of us achived is outstanding success and we are lucky and can thank to god for all he has given

in all these years we have seen lots of success and some disappointments as well, made money, lost as well, got recognized - sometimes nothing - still life kicks our asses - no way to escape

family, children, wife - we have bigger responsibilities

you said - you almost cried - me too - so that means We Still Have A feeling for the friends from our school

every year i go home - i go to the school for at least a day - with Ananta Babu (lombu) or Probir Babu take a walk around the school - take a brief stop in front of the classrooms i used to be, recall the football matches in the BN Nandy block dusty ground, eating khichuri and Aloor Dom during the Swaraswati Pujo and so many good memories .......

Probir Babu asked me to say a few words in different classes - I really did not want to - but if Sir requested - you can't say no

I suggest all of you to visit the school when you are home - guys - you will love it

Remember Class 5-D (not sure - the corner room in BN Nandy Block), we were just out from St.thomas and got to that classroom - the grill (rod) in the window was broken and we used to jump to chandannagore college (tirtha - you could not - because the gap between the rods were too small for your tummy) - few years back - it was still the same and the kids were jumping in and out...

So here you are -

Tui Hejas ni - you just shared your feeling


Dwijendranath De Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It is a little bit of nostalgic message I got it from my childhood friend. You may recollect that I was with you in Sec D. My self , sur , tukai ,mota tirtha, mirnmoy some time sit together in same bench you were a favorite boy of Nripen Babu. After that lots of waves past from our beloved little town Chandannagore. You people are out of our small town some of us are still very much proud to be stay at Chandannagore. Two things we must acknowledge that our school & our town . Partha may not get the feelings of  Chandanangore but other will easily understand that what is our feelings about our town.


Today what is our entity for that main backbone is our school more specifically I would say the teachers of our school. We can live in humble way , we have some morals , values due to our upbringing in sec A/ B/C/D of Kenolal.


Can we forget those days when Nilmoni Babu said Eaii... We just got struck on our place we have no strength to move forward. Nondo bau , Dhiren babu can we forget tem. That time we do not prefer Gopal Babu but to we can realize how particular they are about their work. Think of it how much salary they earn for their work , have we seen any slackness about theirwork. I know at this moment we can judge more thing we may give an Egof


KHITISH BABU , PANCU Babu Etc. but simultaneously we can say lot of names who will be our ideal for our life. On that day we learnt that the value of

little thing. If we have 25 paisa in our hand that day we treat ourselves as a king ¾ boys were roaming around us. Current noon / motor bhaja / badam/logense / 10 posiar icecream is our golden memory . that’s why today in this materialist world we cantel we know the real value of money , money

can not drive us we will drive the money.

After long days in our busier schedule everybody are trying to contribute something about our school days which makes us crying but we know this is the simple treasure of our life.


Thanks a lot of our friendship.


Tirtha : I know u r always tell outside chandanagore is better opportunity for our life hood but as per my old thought I would like to connect every

thing with my Chandannagore and not looking after its bad side rather I will lookafter its +Ve side.


Rano u may not get time with ur busy schedule but in your mind u know that real pleasure is lying with our friendship.


Above all I can say one thing that I am very much proud of our friend circle & considered my self as a luck guy to get it.


Parthasarathi Mridha Tue, 28 Sep 2010


It is really nice to see all of your emails. I really can’t explain how much I liked your replies, its not only because of the nostalgia of the school days but also, more importantly, getting resonance of the same feeling and gratitude to the school which made us what we are today, moreover which has shown us by example the virtue living simple life with high value. This gives me a lot of strength, by letting me know, I am not alone.


Sometime back I was talking with some B E College alumni, we were discussing,  in a typical Bengali gathering of alumni people spend time to tell each other by telling what they are today, but here the entire time we spend talking about the college days, because B E College we never thought as a step stone of career, for us BEC is ‘till death do us part’ not a live together. I am getting kind of same feeling here.


Mistu, tor story telling ekhano majhe majhe mane pare, ki jeno tor charactertar nam chilo ‘Barda’ ki ? but you were really talented, dariye dariye oi rakam galpa tairi kare bala really na seriously balchi.


Nilur daulate jim corbett, jules verne er kato galpo jana hoye giyechilo.


Majhe majhe Shyamal babur 10C classer ekta katha khub mane pare “ei bachhar tomra acho, ek bachhar pare chale jabe, kintu 10C kintu theke jabe..


Mistu tor sei class 6 er English teacher er katha mane ache? Pronaybabu ki ? dariwala, toke knub bhalobasto, amra sabai khub impressed chilam onar paraanoy.


Anyway as an hobby, I try to write little bit, …simply pen down some of those zillion thoughts that keep roaming in the aisle of my mind., once I was trying to write about my transition to Kanailal from St. Thomas, I think it may be relevant here, so doing little bit of my professional work copy-paste (IT te to ei korei khachchhi) .


But transformation from St Thomas culture to Kanailal was a cultural shock to me. In St Thomas, we were under strict discipline any misconduct was punished, in the contrary in Kanailal it was very loose. For example, in St Thomas once a class is over, we cannot imagine to leave our seat, unless it is the scheduled play time or lunch break. But here immediately after teacher leaves everybody go out start playing, shouting, do all kind of childish fun. It was kind of a shock to me. The lower class rooms 5-6 were located in Nandadulal Block that was not having any clean toilet even. For drinking water we have a tap but it was running only for certain amount of time of the day. Classrooms were some old small rooms build from British period, not properly illuminated. Some time during rainy season water comes down from roof, that time teachers used to combine two sections together in one room and keep the school running. Naturally, nothing was very encouraging in fact quite in contrary of what we got in St. Thomas. But eventually other than completing school syllabus and progressing through classes, I came across some great teachers and personalities in the same school only, which helped me to learn and understand the world outside and helped me to be prepared for future life. So now I can tell that initial cultural shock was also a lesson for me, never conclude about anything from the first impression.

Among all the not so likable infrastructures, in one aspect Kanailal was definitely much better, it has a very good library and we have a library period every week when we can go and issue or renew books. That is the time I read Bengali translation all world literatures from Shakespeare to Victor Hugo. It helped to develop my reading habit and introduce me with world literature.


By the way, I have equally strong attachment with Chandannagore, I have strong feeling about Bhadreswar too but that doesn’t contradict with my school town Chandannagore, one more thing, I am born at Noton Sen’s nursing home which was at the other side of the road where the ICICI bank is now. 


Dwijendranath De Tuesday, September 28, 2010


This is the early starting session of our busy day but I can't resist myself to write little bit.My friends now a days when we have crossed certain path of our life and every body can understand the life cycle is tied up with family , job ,family & job.

At this juncture every body miss their golden time and now because of Partha & Hritesh we try write something to rejuvenate our golden friendship.

Really I am very lucky that I born & bought up such a beautiful place with

such a priceless friendship.


Tirtha Chattopadhyay Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Anyway, Sep 28 was really a special day in my life......And total credits should go to you .....believe me yesterday I was feeling that I am in moon...I was happy just like a kid....without any apparent many mails from different old friends .... totally new feelings to me....After getting all those mails I called mistu over phone....and from my tonal quality , Mistu has told me that he can feel my feelings..... so great !


I was so happy throughout the day that....all of a sudden I go to a florist shop and buy some flower for my wife to break the silence between us which was continuing since last two weeks..we went outside for dinner.....and everything became normal between us..... I have never thought a simple mail from the old contacts can do such a big magic...


I don't know if we at all able to meet for that dream get together ....but once in a while this type of chain mails are really required for surviving of our soul from this over polluted atmosphere.


Surajit Sen Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I didn’t check my yahoo mail box since last two days and didn’t come to know until now such surprises were waiting for me. It’s now 2:30 AM at my place, but I couldn’t hold myself from going through all of your mails and in writing down couple of lines about my feelings before going to bed.


For last 30 mins I was lost in my good old days, our KLVM, Nandadulal Block, our 7B galary classroom, slipping through those windows to the back side of st. Thomas school to collect kanta phol, Nilmoni babu, Dhiren babu, Nondo babu, Ananta babu, Baidyanath babu, Nirmal Sir, Panchu babu, pintu khela, Chatrabandhu, tapan dar second hand books, electric noon, kooler achar, miniboy ice cream shop opposite to our school, 25 paisa-r qrtr bread from those bakeries, bon pauruti, French section, chand –da (our school’s cycle garage care taker who were staying along with his family at the north-west corner room) ….. all zoomed in front of my eyes.


Man I got truly emotional, believe me in spite of being so many years out of my town, my heart always tied with strong attachment to my chandannagore, our chandannagore ??. I don’t know how many of you agree, but most of us who are outside today are being forced to do so for their job, opportunities, career, and growth. Mistu, do u remember that night we were returning from office together in Doon express ….. I never thought that day I would be leaving my home, my city, my state, my country. However it’s for sure, I’ll come back to my root one day …. I want to spend a quality time of my life once again among you folks …. We will rock once again on strand (who cares about age ?) …. What do u say Hritesh?


Guys I wish I could have pull all my golden days memories on this mail now, but it’s quite late night and tmrw morning office?. You guys keep on writing; I’ll catch this thread sometime soon.


Nilotpal Mallick Wednesday, September 29, 2010


What a nice surprise from thirto ,heitesh,mridha, debmalloa, tarun and all others after bish saal baad ....

After watching the names of all along with ID it pooled me back to old school rooms .What a nostalgic feeling. In a flash of second I can still see my bench ,my desk, fighting for small part of Tiffin, tears after loosing in debate competition, our a/b/c/d class rooms, play ground ,class room of 5/6 nearest to chandernagore college, on teachers day thirto asked be out of class room by special teacher his own brother ( partha da) ,old building, new building .

Even if I close my eyes I can see nilmani babu running to us with a cane at big hall on 1st floor at old building for playing, nanda babu continually moving rings with thumb finger, ananta babu asking us who blasted chocolate boom at night during camp, gopal babu distributing bonde in his own style .


It is really special feelings which can not expressed by words.Now I have good contact with mistu, ranajit.I know about thirto and heitesh but do not have any idea about many of you. I will request to keep in touch with me even if u get late reply.


Parthasarathi Mridha Wed, 29 Sep 2010


Mail gulo parate parate manaTa ki rakam Shhyaakya Munir mato hoye gelo…


Just sitting quietly, in my mind, I can hear the lyrics of the song from Tare Zameen Par”


……Akela Nahin Main

Khuli Aankhon Se Neend Mein Chalta

Girta Zyada Kam Sambhalta......


Let Me In Without A Shout

Let Me In I Have A Doubt

There Are More,Many More

Many Many Many More Like Me......


One more thing for which, I am really proud of my school friends,  in today’s fast world, people try to show themselves over smart by hiding their inner, finer feelings and here everybody is opening their heart just like a free flow of stream, and expressing themselves. In today’s world of text messaging and e-mail people can’t even exchange a complete word, everything is UT ( Are You There ?), after that nothing to say. Here my friends are writing pages after pages and expressing the most difficult domain to explain, the emotions, so nicely so promptly, this is really great. This is not something we commonly see in everyday…I have an idea why not collect all of them and print and bind it then handover to our school as our tribute.


Life Building workshop …hmmm.. I am not sure, aamaar to majhe majhe suman chaaTujjer gan Taar mato mane hoy….”ekhane khujchchhi aami jibaner mane”… baa “ekhano khujchchhi aami jibaner mane”…


Bhaskar Gosh Thursday, September 30, 2010


I have gone through all the e-mails , and what i can conclude in this regard is that " Bish Saal Baad" is appropriate name given by Partha,

we can consider all the chain of e-mails as a live memory reckoner of the most happiest/golden time of our life (i.e. school life. )


In my openion we should consider Partha as "Friend Finder" because of his initiatives he has taken from his part .on the other hand we must be thankful to him for bringing us under one e-umbrella , Ok friends I would like to memorise that great english teacher Ajit Babu who used limp little bit but have good knowledge over english , bengaly teacher Nanada Babu who some times presumed himself as freedom fighter.......!

Can any body remember that day When Nilmone Babau Slapped Mrinmoy for playing football in Hall during "Bara Tiffin ".......whhich was not permissible, although he was not guilty for that.... another event I must recapitulate about that two days "Camp" hold before Madhyamik Pariksha '88 where Joy Banerjee,s father(may have passed away) used to come during PT Sesssion every morning at Meri Park to keep close watch of his son like this So many old colourful memory of our school days are roaming in my mind which make me nostalgic and also encouraged me to behave like a child with full of joy keeping two hands up to the sky .


ok my dear frinds I don't want to spare your valuable bussy time, before concluding I must convey thanks to my Frinds for expressing some of their memorable moment of schhol life , some new plan etc.

keeeping aside your busy daily sechedule of professional life.


Debmalya Jash Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ekdin gangai jol bhorte gechi. Hatah ekta matha hoos kore uthe bollo "ki re?" Dekhi dwijen. Sroter ulto dike satar kaatchilo Mistu.Sudhu gangai noy jibone jure darun kore sroter ulto dike satar kaatlo. "Bis saal baad mail ta peye" sei hoos kore abar purono din gulu bhese elo. 


Ekdin hush kore St. Thomas theke KLVM e elum. Prothom prothom ektu osubidha hoto. Puro alada. St. Thomas srikholar "karar oi loyho kapat". Kanailale ese srikhola holo lopat. Amar kanailal aste aste onek beshi bhalo laagto. Jibontake onek beshi kore dekhte sikhlum.


Tokhon 5C te. Robi bole ekjon chilo. Half yearly porikha. Deske matha rekhe ghumie porlo. Basudeb babu guard dichchelen. Ghum theke uthalen. Robi r baba ma keo chilo na. Mamar kaache thakto. Mama rickshaw chalaten. Ager raate kichu khawai jote ni. Claas e matha tolar sokti chilo na. Robi aar ami dekhi ni. Kintu khider kosto ki prochondo eto kaache theke deklum.


Ar ek robi ke mone porlo. Robi patro. Ajit babu kobita likhechilen

"Robi Patro

Koila kalo gatro

ghumai diba ratro"


Robi kintu diba ratro ghumato na. Besh porishrom korto. Porasonai robir khub aghroho chilo. Robi patro majkhane onek din aar elo na. Jedin elo porone sada kaacha. Robir baba aar nei. Kono ekta jute mill e kaaj korten. Robi patro ekhon kothai ami kichu jani na. Ami schooler gondir bhitor jiboner ei kothin dik gulu age dekhi ni. KLVM saab dhoroner society chele pule porte aasto. Bochore matro 43 taka maine.


Durga pujar age kabadi aar football tournament hoto. Mistu, Sukanto khub bhalo khelto. Rangoner goal keeping chilo dekhbaar moto. Kamakha majhe majhe satare medal peto. Mahalayr dine gonga bokhkhe satar protijogitai prize peto proti bochor. Rono bhalo table tennis khelto.


Proti bochor jagadhatri pujor dadoshir din annul porikha shuru hoto. Ektu dure borobazarer sholar chalchitro pore thakto. Amar jiboner lekha poratao oi rokom laagto. Porikhar por boi gulu phele dewa chalchitro.


Jokhon moner modhe tension badol megher moto kaalo kore aase chandannagar strander katha bhabi. Amra school palie onek baar strand e bose thaktum. Hawai jouboner gondho. Monta koishor theke jouboner dike uki marche. Sei saab din gulu sukono patar moto sriti hoye jhore aajo.


1982 ta amar jiboner soronio bochor. Ei bochor Kanailal schoole prothom asi. Amaader adorer "Ki nai?" school. 5c te portum. B.N.Nandy block. Choto ghor. Mathai tikir moto ekta sky light chilo. Tiffin hole ghorer dorja janala bondho kore tiner baksho bajei gaan shuru hoto. Upor theke chomotkaar alo ese porto. Mone hoto sorgo theke amader soishob ke ashirbaad korche. Gaaner satthe naach kichu din por theke chalu holo. Ekdin emoni gaan naach choche udaam uttal. "DISCO 82, DISCO 82". Kintu ekta bhari gala. Dorja khule nilmoni babu. Samne Mrilnal Nath chilo. GODAM kore ekta kil. Songe songe mrinal er pant bhije gelo. Eto druto kriya o protikriya er aage dekhini.  "Mutro Bishorjon". Beshohatai Nath brothers electric chilo. Mrinal joto door mone pore oi barir chele. Pore aar dekha hoy ni.


Oi bochor ekta notun jinis dekhlum. Pujor chutir aage ek ek din ekta class darun kore sajato. Amra sabai chada ditum. Galpo bola, chobi aka protijogita hoto. Sir der nimontron kore deke ana hoto. Cold drinks dewa hoto sir der.Sese cold drinks beche gele sabai mile karakari kore khawa hoto.


Schooler baire tiffin er samay electric noon pawa jeto. Khelei jibta charang charang kore uthto.


Amader classer gayei chandannagar college helan diye jeno bose thakto. Ekta gas chamber taar chemistry lab er saathe tar govir somporko chilo. Colleger oi pichon diktai chele meye niralai galpo korto. Tokhon ektu ektu bujte shuru kori chele aar meyder bhitor ekta onno rokom hriday alo kora samporko thake.



Mrinmoy Kundu Saturday, October

2, 2010 3:28 AM

At first i applogise all of friend to de.....attach long time from all of you.I am surprised when Pinki ( Ranajit) asked my mail ID and told me brief,very nxt morning i open my

account and see the name of my dear friends and remember the song of Kishore Kumar" Mone pore sai sob din".I rewind my memory 20yrs back and recaptured the face of smll friends ( now big).

I remember the incident happens in cl X at camp fire night 'Ananta Babu'and 'Nirmal Babu'beat 2 of our friends name.........forget using of slang language and also the enjoyment of Bengali class of DISCO Sir and many other incident at ST.Thomas and KLVM and getting nostalgic.Tirtha and i were sitting in the same bench

you are called us 'Lorel and Hardy'.

Tirtha:Kire Bangalore settle korli naki? Ekhono sei mota achis na roga hoaichis.

Hritesh:I appreciate your proposal.Thanks, for your thinking.


Debmalya Jash Saturday, October

2, 2010 3:41 PM


kanailal  "Ki nai?" school amader diyechilo mukto soisob. Sorote pujor khushir hawate dola kashphuler moto. Sisir bheja subuj ghaser sorol hasir moto.Surjer prokhor teje sisir milie jai. Nagorik jiboner tibrotai mukto soisob ekhon pray harie geche. Jibone onek kichui peyechi. Ei mukto soisob ke emon govir bhaabe pawake saab cheye boro

pawa mone hoy.

Nesha korte besh bhalo laage. Himel hawa vodka bhora phurti ane. Jibone kono din emon smritir neshai chur hoye thaki ni. Partho neshata shuru koralo. Ekhon neshai mojeche onekei. Besh laagche. Ekta somobeto U-L-L-A-S. Moner abege bhaasar sonjom hariechi onek aagei. Harirei jete chai. "All those imperfect things make us perfect"


Smritir Sourabh


Boro tiffiner ghonta. Samnei das bekary. Lamba line. Chollis paisai quater pound norom gorom paurooti. Sritir sindook khulle sei gondhe mon mete jai.




Class V- VI e edik odik quiz hoto. Edik theke prosno. Odik thek uttor. Parle 2 point. Na parel odiker 2. Start. !!OOF!! Abar biman neogi (Pushpener maasto bhai).

Prosno "Prosob sarasi ke abiskaar koren?". Forlaner free kicker moto.

Kono din atkate pari ni. Odiker 2 point. Kotha theke je ei saab gulu jenechilo ke jane. Jani na biman ekhon kothai kemon aache?


Galpo dadur asoor


Amader modhe onekei khub bhalo galpo bolte parto. Section B te Sanjay porto. Bhadresware bari. Oor naam i hoyegiyechilo galpo dadbu.Mistu, Anis chilo. Aro

onekei chilo. Radio te sonibaar bela saare tintei ekta galpo dadur aasoor bole program hate. Tate Anis Roy Choudhury ekta galpo bolechilo. Tokhon class V and

VI e pori mone nei. Galper naam o aar mone porche na. "Papok" ki?

Tate ekta chora chilo

"Papok papok tumi boro papi

Tomer dukhkhe hoi anutapi"

Galpoer theme ta chilo naame kichu jai ase na. Kaajei tomar porichoi. Ei rokom kichu hobe. Anis thik thak bolchi to?  Anis tui kobe ekhane kichu likhbi. Tui na likhle amader katha sesh hobe na. Onek aul baul boki. Lagam chara. Tokhon toke khub mone pore. Ekjon  sampadoker darkar. Toke chara aar kauke ei jaigaitai mone proche na. Jodi mail gulu poris basto na thakis. Amader saathe ektu bosbi. Jani tui khub baasto. Nanan kaajer manush. Tubu ekta bela amader soisober sei sob din gului aai.





VII, ekbaar B.N.Nandi blocker ekta galary room alpo koyedin amader class hoyechilo. Ota bodh hoy 7B chilo. Majhe majhe duto sectioner chelera ek saathe hotum. Kichu ekta hoyechilo. Oi ghorta ekta class hochchilo. Pichone dewal. Holud rong. Sobuj shewalar daag. Sei daag onekta alpo koyek din dari na kamale mukhe jemon ekta abcha rekha phote onekta sei rokom. Dewaler opaase St. Thomas.Janlai ekta ghacher chara alpo alpo kore barche. Khub kochi pata. Tate rod legeche "ektuku choa laage" style. Onekta thakurer mukhe jemon alor focus kora thake temon. Class cholche. Porai mon nei. Dekhi hatah paachiler opas diye St. Thomaser duto baacha chele dhuke poreche. Hasite  odbhasito mukh. Onekta Apur ochenar anandoer moto uchchas. Sei dike takie chilum. Mooner camerai tola sei chobi, ajo smritir albume khub  jol jol kore. Pore class IX e ochner anando porar samay apur jaigai sei mukhgulu mone porto. Class XI e jokhon Robindronather

"Oor nobin, oore sobuj, oore amar kacha

aadh morader gha mere tui bacha" line gulu portum. Ei chobi baar baar bhese aasto.

Ke class nichchilen aaj mone porche na. Ki ekta jigasa korechilen. Kane dhokei ni sei katha. Class theke ber kore diyechilen. Kono dukhkho hoy ni. Gota school ghure porer periode classe dhuklum. Class theke kauke ber kore dile onkei ei ta kortum.

Class VII  VIII e amar keo keo Sanskrito noyto pharasi (French) portum. Sanskrito jara portum tara ekta roome jetum. pharasi poruara ra onno roome. Oi jawa asa ta khub maja laagto. Emni te porasona ami khub bhalobese kortum na. Bhalo kore porle loke bhalo bolbe tai portum. Noyto notun boier gondhore lobhe. Kintu jibone prothom porte bhalo legechilo pharasi. Boi gulute besh onek chobi thakto. Kemon ekta bhaalo lege giyechilo. Paanchoo babu pharasi poraten.

Ami sorojit aar joi Satkori babur barite pharasi portum. Saatkori babu tokhon obosor niyechen. Tai karur chenar katha noy. Onar poranote aaro beshi bhalo laagte shuru korlo. Phorasi te oni amader aghorhi to korei chilen ta charao ingraji aar onko poraten. Oi duto onar poranor kathai chilo na. Bhalo bese poraten. Jibone prothom moner mukule porasonar proti bhaloabasar daag laaglo.

Pore class XI XII partho babur onko poranoi ei dhoronoer moja petum. Sodhu ami noi classer onekei peto. Jibone keo keo samne ele nije thekei mone hoy pae hath

diye ekta pronaam kori partobabu emoni ekjon manush. Emon onek SIR chilen amader "Ki Nai?" schoole. Suhirdbabu, Shaymababu, Debshankar babu,Nripen babu saabaike khub mone pore.

Ekhon barbar mone hoy kono kaaje moner govir bhalobase na thakle sei kaaj gulu anath sishur moto asohay hoye pore. Pora sonaar proti govir bhalobasa temon chilo na bole jibone kono din alo jhol mol kora result korte pari ni. Onekta kede kokie football match draw korar moto mar mare result. Majhe majhe mone hoto result gulute haemoglobin kom pore anemiate bhugche.

Class VIII er ekta korun smriti aajo boro baaje. Poila boishak hathkhola doyer dhaar ghate nauka dubi hoy. Auckland jute miller solojon mara jaan. Amader C section

er Sanjay Das (daak naam Pili) er baba mara jaan. Nera matha niye prothom jokhon class aasto, onek din khub chup chaap thakto. Sei korun mukhta mone pore. O khub budhdhimaan chele chilo. Classer porai mon kom Dadha ei soob korte khub bhalo baasto. Ekta sarkari chakri kore shunechi jogajog nei ekhon.

Class VIII ei onker naraan babu "pal bonsher" katha bolen. "Pal bonsho" holo Robin pal (Bhadreswar), Partho Pal (Boxi goli, baba ponchonon

mistaano bhandaar mone hoy oder dokan) aar Pranab pal (Hathkhol dayer dhaar). Ora class e saab cheye dusto chele chilo sei  samay. Maane dustomite tin pradhan.

ClassVIII  ekbaar class room hoyechilo stage tate. Oi diker ghor gulute ki saab meramotir kaaj cholchilo. Khub maja peyechilum.

Class IX e basudeb babur bangla class gulu mone pore. Dorja janala saab bondho. Puro ondhokaar ghor. Apu durga assto. Rail gari aasto.Ekbaar classer modhe gulpo shunte shunte ghumie portum. Tobe konodin mardhor khai ni tar jonno. Basudebbabu khubi kom marten.

Samne kabadir court. Khela cholle chitkar checha michite class bondho. Khub maja hoto. Hatah chutir uchchase.

Maja aaro chilo. Jonaki maratok maratok noon show aasto.Beshir bhag "jawani..."  diye shuru hoto . Ekbaar dekhi nirmalya (Bagbazar haru) r didi kaan dhore schoole

niye aaslen. Head sirer ghore. Sir der kaache complain "Chelera noon show dekhte jai, apanar kichu bollen na keno". Aaro ek baar ekta ghotona ghote chilo. Jonaki malik

amader head sir er kaache. Hall theke ekta bag pawa geche. Bager malik pawa jai na. Bagta kanailaleri kono cheler. Amader karur nao hote pare.

Class X e porar samay DISCO r pichone khub lagechilum ekbaar. DISCO sir r jonno ektu mon kharap. Bangla loko sahite ph.d. Amra temon kore sammon dite

pari ni. Chele manush bhul to amader hobei. Class e dhokar aage majher bench gulu jora kore dewa hoto jate sir kichutei sesh obdhi jete na paren. Sir class

e dhokar thik age, somoresh (Gondolparai bari) thakur Ramkrishner moto gola kore bolto "Ke eli Noren,aai baba, eto dine make tor mone prolo".

Konodin dhora pore ni somoresh. kote kote bang er daker moto ekta whistle bikri hoto. Cold drinks chipi theke toiri.Tiplei kot kore awaz hoto. Sir jokhon

picho dike. Samane theke kot kore keo awaz korto. Sir ulto dike ghurtei pichon thek keo kot kore awaz korto. Majher bench gulu sir boke dhomke sorano korlen. A section theke rajat esechilo (Fatakgora noyto Madhanchaal elakai bari), naam kora bonedi dusto chele chilo.  Oor kaache bang bazi chilo. SIR thik bujte perechilo. STAND UP. Rajat bencher upor darie.

"Pocket dekhao". Duto pocket dekhalo. Phaka. SIR ke rojot bollo SIR aar dekhben bole pant khule pray jangia namai. SIR aato sore chitakaar korlen "Thamo". Samne theke kalipodo hatah cheyei uthlo "Ki re checker naki?". Gota class ta kabadir mathe kneel down thakte hoyechilo sabai ke. Samne diye class V er chelar jaache haaste haaste. Ektu porei choto tiffiner ghonta bajlo. Rojoter jotor tala thek bang bazi berolo.


class DISCO r periode kukur baacha dhokano hoyechilo. Hatah tar pete ekta laathi. "Kei kei" kore kakure kanna. Class ar na.


Bhaasa o Bhalobasa


Bangla bijoy babu amar bangla lekha dekhe khub hatash hoten. Baba ke chinten. Babar kaache sei hatasha gopon rakhen ni. Onar kaache bangla prosno uttor lekhe niye jetum. Kichuta baadho hoyei. Amader cheye du bochchorer borchilo Sasawata Samanto. Bangla likhto khub bhalo. Tatkhonic boktritateo asadharon. Oor bangla khata porte diyechilen. Ki lekha mairi. Mone hoto jeno ekta Jibanando Das. Bijoy babu kono din kono paisa nen ni. Eke baare bina paisai sudhu bangla bhasa ke bhalobese poriechilen.


Prothom computer


Class X e prothom computer dekhi. Probir babu dekhichilen. P-V graph anklo computer, charles law, boyle's lawer katha mone reke. Aar kichu mone nei.


Rajgir,Pawapuri, Nalonda, Buddhogaya


Class X portei school theke berate jai. Dwijen, Anish Roy Chowdhury, Soumen Neyogi, Nirmalya Chottopadhay (Haru) giyechilo. Bus prochur deri kore charlo. Pichon

dike bosar sujog pai ni. ota chilo (XI- XII) er dadader. Tate khub jai ase ni amader. Gota raastai khub maja hoye chilo. Govir raate bus pichon dik theke moder

gondho elo bhese. Buser janalai bhorer sisir. Soumen tate nijer premikar naam likhlo. Protifolon hoye ulto dike jaganath babuo naamta pore felen. Kichu

ese jai ni tate. Pholgu nodi ke dekhe Anis bolechilo "Premik hara nodi". Hotele paser barite chitrohaar cholche. Amra shunchi. Haru hatah chechie uthlo

"Masima ektu jore din". Gaaner jor berechilo.

Budhgaya jedin gelum. Charidike mom baati jolche. Darun o birol ghotona. Porer dalai lama je hobe tar abhisekh ba oi jatio kichu. Anis bole uthechilo "Ohom Piboti". Sonoskrito katha. Mane ami paan korchi.

Berano sesh. Bari phirchi. Busta sobe sorepara perieche. Chitkar shuru holo "Three cheers for kanalilaler sosur bari". Saab cheye jor berechilo "Narisikha" schooler samne aastei. P.C. Ghosher boier dokaner samne busta ghorlo. Nilomoni babu uthe daralen. "Tober moner katah jana hoye geche. Baba Maara schooler gate, tader aar janas na." Awaz thamlo.


Camper gaan


Class X er sesh dike camp boshilo schoole. Tokhon schooler boyos 125 hobo hobo. Poster marar kaaj porechilo. Jar jake bhalo laagto tar barir dewale poster matrum mone

aache. Raate onek kichu hoyechilo. B.N.Nandy block laal signaler moto choto alo.Cigarette.Asim nirmol babur kaache khub mar kheychilo. Tar ektu aagei dedar

cigarette kheye. Anish gaan geyechilo.

"Tumi je ghore ketao jaanto, paye pori bagh mama koro naka raagh mama,

hara jaabe duti taja cigareette to ke ta janto"

 Amader porer baar theke camp uthe jai.


Se nei


Kichu kichu smriti monke nithor nirob kore dai. Jiboner jhore akale harano kuri "Rajib" sabaikar jiboner ekta korun dirghosaas. Chokher smane ekhono bhese berai alu thalu adoore adoore sei chehara. Madhomiker result berolo. Ektai star PUSHPEN. SIRra bolten emon baaje result onek din hoy ni. Goal khawa bidhosto goalkeeper er moto laagto nijeke.Tokhon mone hoto rajib thakle hoyoto aaro ekta star hote parto. Asole amader batche mon diye porasona korto khub kom. Resulter  katch theke lukie raakhto nijeder. Mistur oi teamer captain, tirthor vice captain hole besh manabe. Team prochur member hode ekdom pakka.




Ekta korun shunota niye shuru hoye chilo XI - XII. Ektu baade shuru holo onno katha. Choto kagoj tate bhalobasar bhalo katha. Kagoj

gulu porto Science buildinger dotolar raastar diker ghor theke ekdom colleger dike jawa mamonider choron komole. Oi ghore khali class change hoto. Kokhono 11

commerce, kokhono 12 commerce. Sei kagojer gola moner chola kola badlaato na.


Babu o kaabu


bangla ekta choto anso chilo "Babu". Sahitto samrater lekha. Porchen sei naren babu. Porchito naam "DISCO". Tanatan uttejona class sesh howare aage choto tiffiner ghonta pore ki pore na. Ajke thik oi jaigaitai aasbe ki aasbe na. Ekhono onek baaki. Kono sara sobdo nei. Hatha ghonta. Kintu onno chobi. Dorja aagle darie poreche oneke. SIR aaj amader purota poratei hobe. Abar shuru.Cholche cholche. "Barbonita" sobdota elo seshe. SIR mane bojhan. "Samajer adhopotito shrenir manush". Kichu boja jaache na. Maneta aro poriskhar howa chai. Haath Joi chechei uthlo "SIR oder ke besya bole". SIR tobu apni ekbaar nijer mukhe bolun. SIR "o thiki boleche". Tateo sesh hoy na. SIR er mukh theke jor kore bolano hoyechilo. Tarpor class sesh. Din o sesh. Tarpor aar keo bangla class korechilum bole mone porche na.


Sir Goyenda

Moner Complex Harmonic Motion


Physics er ekta practical chilo Simple harmonic motion. g er value baar korte hoto. Mistu aar pendulum chilo partner. Pendulum ora puro doltate parto na. Moner

pendulumer tane. Purono katha theke reading likhe hawa manik jor. Laldigiher daare. Golapi sarir alapi mayai. Kono ekjon moner purush likechilen

"jekhane dekhibe meyeder schooler building darie darire koribe fielding paileo paite paro moner moto darling"

Kintu ektu dure Moni babu. Goyenda.

Dwijendranath De Mon, October 4, 2010 1:20:54 AM


je jar rastay hete jachhilo, majhe majhe megher moto kono sriti vir korto abar amara nejer rastay pari ditam. Kintu kobe kar ke jeno amader ak bondhu sobar hata take elo melo kore dilo. debmalya bhablo vodkar theko eta akta boro nesha chotto bela take khoja.......

Na ki je boter chayoyay amar boro hoyechi tar chyoa take khoja. na hole

Hritesh or basto Russian jibon chere ghono ghono keno mail er hawa ay utola hobe.... kenoi ba surojit USA theke 2.30 AM e uttor dete bose jab.

Bidesh ta age tanlam karon Bidesh mane ekta besh gham bapar seta amader modheye roye geche. kintu jara deshe tarai ba kom kishe .....

Ei somay ta sob kichu ke dure soreye neye chole jai aj sobai sobier theke dure . ami chesta kore Bhadeswar ere Sur er tiffin khete parbo na bhison bhalo chilo dim pauriti ta., ba ichha korleo Tirtho ke motu bole khapate parbo na. jodi na parar hisab kori onek onek kichu parbo na. kintu parbo sobbaike bhabte , bhison bhalo laga ta nejer kore nete jetay kauke bhag dite hobe na abar anondo ta ke sudhu ekar kore nite noi . sudhu amader modheye bhag kore nete.

Eta sudhu Amder Jonyyo.

Amar je somay ta boro hoye chi somay ta chilo golmele. amader modheye value ta tokhono hareye jai ni amader theke jara 5 years senior tader sathe khub farak hoy ni. neden pokhhe Ninty dosok ta ase ni.

Amara Moglai , r Kochit khokhono vanila ice cream ke bhabtam prithibir sobcheye bhalo kahbar. tokono cahu chochhori R cold drinks er adthi potto asini . tai amar chotto jinishe nejeder  akash khujatam & WE GOT IT.

Just think of it amar kotooooo ta lucky je bondhu der modheye khujtam na e boro lok , er babar gari ache kina. amar sotti bondhu chilam . ar amader gathni ta tai Nilmoni babu , basudeb babu , debsankar babu , ananta babu aro oneke... sundor kore gethe deyechilo.

Dekh amara chesta korleo amader bachha der sei... chotto bela ta ke dete parbo na . amader baba ma ra deyechilo. Sei somay..... Tobu ei jhorer moto time take ved kore bachha bela take dekhe nete pari akdin jara dol bedhe Jhanobi Nibase cricket khelto aj tar i  Robindro bhobone A/c hall e programme dekhe....

Asole sobai aj kichu bolte chai kintu kake bolbo.........?????? sonkahy bhison kome geche anondo ta kokhonoi Note , bari , gari te nei re......Seta je kishe ache seta khujte khujte i je bakia jebon ta jabe.

Amar ekta chotto request ache.... Dekhbi ei group ta chesta kore ontoto duto gorib chele porar puro daitto nete pari kina.


Ranojit Banerjee Mon, October 4,

2010 6:31:42 AM

Abar smriti theke tule nie kichhu elomelo katha share korte ichhe holo. Partho r ekta mail satti sob kichhu kemon jeno golmal kore dilo. Nare Debmalya, Mistu thik eta Vodkar thekeo baro nesha.

Class K.G. ar I te St. Thomas e porar samoy KLVM dekhtam ar takhon thekei jantam je oi schooltate ekdin amader jete hobe. Class II to IV amader Class holo Laldighir dhare, Debmalyar kathay  'Ki Nai' schooler sasurbarir samne. Hritesh tui Kishandar rickshowte school jetis na? Teliniparate thakar samoy Nitaidar rickshawte ami, Debmalya jetam. Amar pratham bandhu chhilo Laltu (Abhijit Bhattacharya - Pendulam). Tirtha elo Classs III te, Anis Class IV. Anis, tor mayer katha khub mone porchhe. Amar namta bodhoy konodin janten na, amar parichay chilo 'Jishu Christo' bole. Class III te Schooler play te Jishu hoechhilam. Anis please speak, Debmalya thik bolechhe, ei phalgudharke susanhata rup dite tokei je sampadak hote hobe. Tukai esechhilo Class I e. Church er samne chain die gera jaigatai chaine bose dola nie Tukaier sathe amar jhogra hoi. Tor mone achhe, Tukai?

 Class IV er por amader Kanailal abhijan. Amar sathe 83 Madhyamik Batcher ekta khub bhalo samparko hoe giechhilo pratham theke, courtesy: Sabyada (ekhon Army

Cornel). Oder batche sabai amake Sabyar bhai bolei janto. Ei prosonge oder ekta katha boli. Oder batchta last August e ekta get-together kore. Barrabazare ekta marriage hall "Utsav" bhara korechhilo. Almost 25-26 jon gather hoechhilo. Ora perechhe, amra noi keno.

Class VD te B.N.Nandi Block. Class VIA te kichhudin Science Building, kichhudin B.N.Nandi Block. Class VI thekei amake pakabar gurudaitwata Hritesh khub jatno

ebong safalyer sathe palon korechhilo. Hritesh, Swaruper katha khub mone porchhe.

Class VII e 'Nil Darpan' er ekta chhoto portion chhilo. Amader Classroom takhon gate die dhuktei dandiker 1st roomta. Fakirbabur Bangla class. Fakir babu dhuke 1st Pushpenke jigassa korelen 'Darpan' mane ki? Pushi matha chulkote laglo. Tarpor Smarajit - chupchap darie. Tarpor ami - gambhir bhabe bollam 'Darpo Kara'. Sange sange Fakirbabur swar "Bencher opor dara", Eki katha prajojya holo ager dujoner janyo, ebong tarpor gota class er janya, karon keui Darpan mane janto na. Class sesher por sobar amake ki chotpat, jantis na bolte geli keno, emni daratam, bencher opor darate hoto na. Tora keu Dwarikbabur katha likhis ni. Arekta character chilo, mukhbhorti pan, sathe Jonakir Noon Show. Jonakir Noon Show amader jiboner ekta angsho hoe thakbe. Ekhon bandho hall er samne die jete jete seisob dingulor kata khub mone pore.


Narenbabur (DISCO) er toder Kabadi grounde Kneel Down Korie rakhar scene ta amar khub bhalo mone achhe. Amader class nichhilen Nripenbabu. Amader Utsuk

drishti odike jabar janyo janalata bandho kore dite bolechhilen. Jai bol. toder dekhe besh Santiniketaner chatro gulor katha mone prochhilo. Arekbar mone achhe, Class X - DISCO r class section B te. Prathome Sec B, tarpor amader A ar tarpor C. Madhyer duto dorja khola. Sir er probesh Section B te. Tinte ghar theke sabdo bisphoron - D - I - S - C - O. Sir ghare na dhuke berie gelen. ektu bade elen Nanda babu (Asst. Head Master). Onek bojhalen, ballen Sikkhak pitritulya. Onar prosthan, DISCO r prabesh, abar sabdobrahma D - I - S - C - O. Ar bodhoy konodin class nite asen ni. Aj dekha hole pa jorie khama chaitam.

Science Buildinger samne gachhtar talay ekta adda hoto. Addar modhhomoni chhilo Samaresh. Mrinmoyer bhai Mantuke deke roj tar pant dhaka ange sursuri noito anyo kichhu kara hoto. Ektu dure gie Mantu ki khisti marto.

Class IX & X e Quiz khub kortam. Prerona anekta peyechhilam Nirmal Babur kachhe. Team chhilo - Ami, Hritesh fixed. Variable component chhilo - Nilabja or Krishnendu. Hritesh, sobkota prize ar certificate tule rakha achhe, tor? Tobe Anis, toder kachhe Adarshate here jaota ekhono bhuli ni. Tai cholchhe, audio round, amader ektha durbodhho Sanskrit shlok bole Patitbabu (Quiz Master) jigyasa korlen kar slok balo, amra parini, torao parisni. Ar toder Rabindranather galay gaan sunie jigyasa korechhilen ke geyechhen balo. As usual tora jite giechhli. Kastota anekdin chhilo.

Onek elomelo kata likhlam. Abar pore likhbo. Jodi bore kori kichu mone karis na, pl. forgive.



TPD and Shombhu babu - Dada Boudi - both of them used to come and go in a same rikshaw - Great teachers - joi banarjee ekbar classe pencil die amake khocha diechilo -

TPD class nichchilen - pritend - er mane bojhachchilen - ami van korechilam khub betha legeche - TPD noticed took the scale and bang-and explaind me Hritesh - what you expressed was "Pritend" - anyone can recall this situation Darpo Kora - sala tor jonno sara class benche-r upor darie chilo - na bollei partis

Quiz ta khup valovabe mone ache - Adarsha to tui-Ami- Nilu chilo mone hoe - Final-ta mone ache - even you complained that it was a Match Fixing - the didi it with an intention to make Anish win - well, we were as good in that - unfortunately - could not manage to win - not sure - if it was inter school cjampion - wewon several prizes i remember



Chotobelai "ichcha puron" kore chilis.

Borobelai aar ek baar amader ichcha puron kor. Ichcha takeo khub kom kore

dichci, je kono ekta mail khule,"Reply all" ,tarpor "Send"

kor. Sudhu ei tukui ichccha. Er kom aar korte parbo na. Sesh dor. Tor mail

pelei khusi.


Anish Wed, October 6, 2010

1:34:40 PM




kobitaataa maaddhyomike porechilaam naa? ei lambaa mail-er saroni dhore cholte

cholte khaali mone hocchilo - 'chaayaa chaayaa kato byathaa ghore dharonite'

aar sei sange robi thaakurer 'yato bedon hoy ki fnaaki, oraa ki sab chaayaar

paakhi, aakaas paare kichui ki go roilo naa - sei je aamaar naanaa ranger



bhaaggyis mishtu sakaale phone korechilo! aami gato 1 saptaaho dhore online

hote praay paari-i ni. maajhe robibaar k'minute-er jonnye ektu ei inbox-taa

khule chain-taa dekhlaam. paraar somoy chilo naa. kintu nijeke abohelito

mone hoyechilo. aamaar to aar bachor kuri pare dyakhaa hocche naa, aamaar

to somoy giyeche chole baaish bachorer paar . . . 1988-te maaddhyomik paas

kore sei je probaas nilaam - toraa sakole aaro 2-to bachor yaksange

kaataali. aaj taai toder bis saal baad - aamaar noy. kintu aamaar-o mone

puraano sei diner kathaa jome aache boiki! bhebechilaam somoy pele pore niye

jhere likhbo - aamaay banchonaa!!!


mishtu jakhon sakaale phone kore bollo aamaar kathaa naa ki sakole bolche -

mone hoyechilo baariye bolche - baddo bhaalobaase ki naa aamaay. kintu porte

porte chokh jhaapsaa. mitthye mitthye obhimaan karaar saasti ki hote paare

toraai thik koris. bhaabte paarini debmalya yakhono sei 1984 saaler radio'r

naatoker kobitaa mone rekhe diyeche aar aamaar maayer jishu khrishto mone

rekheche 'icchaapuran' naatok. tabe aamaar jatodur mone porche, oi naatoke

aamaar baabaa hoyechilo nabendu poddar. mrinmoy, confirm koris.


ki je bipojjanok khyalaa suru korechis partho! dibbyi chilem dinogato

paapokkhoy niye - smriti'r bhnaaraare dolaa diye bisham biplab deke aanli. ei

smritimedurataa sottyi vodka'r cheyeo baro nesaa - bes yaktaa taajjhim maajjhim

byapaar maathaay mone. bohudin baade knaadlaam re - chokher anek moylaa dhuye



kyamon aache ranjan dutta, sanjay dutta, ujjwal sur, samiran sen, prasanta sur,

subhasish sur, saikat saha, prajjwal dutta, kuntal pal, subhamay, sandip seth,

abhijit kundu, saptarshi (nirmal babu aar soumya'r sange magra theke aasto),

anish mullick aaro aaro kato bondhuraa? dhusss............ sab gandogol kore

dili toraa.


toraa klvm niye anek kathaa likhli. kintu aamaar maathaay aurovinda

bal-kendram, st. thomas, kanailal vidyamandir - sab ghuliye ki je yaktaa ghanto

paakche - bujhte paarchi naa. school paaltechi anekbaar. toder sakoler cheye

aami-i bodh kori sab cheye besi. kato mukher saari. kintu aaj sei sab smriti

aamaay sudhui knaadaay. baastaber chaape baghbazar-er baari bikri hoye gyache.

gyan howaa istak gato april maas porjyonto jetaa baari chilo setaa yakhon

onnyer sampotti. aamaar sthaayi thikaanaa aaj diamond harbour. kono din icche

hole jahnobi otithinibaas-e giye thaaki. nijobhume parobaasi mone hoy nijeke.

baro kashto hoy. prithibir je kono praante jaai naa kyano, chandannagar

pichu daakbei. aaj-o obbhyes holo naa - thikaanaa likhte gele chunaripara,

baghbazar likhe kaati aar buker bhetor uthaal paathaal kare.


Dwijendranath De Tuesday,

September 28, 2010



Mohaloya !

Matri bodhonoer suchona, kintu kothay jeno amader bondhuder modheye nibir

jogajoger suchona ta hoye geche besh kichu din age. bolte parish ekta

chotto revolution.

Chotto belar din gulor kotha mone pore , sissir veja siuli fuler gondho r

vorer olpo himel hawaw ghum theke uthe portma nathik uthtam an borcho bolte

pari jor khole chokh kholar chesta kortam

Tokhon para proti bari te Birendra Krishna Bhader gom gom gola R besh kichu

chena ganer sur adho ghumonto chotto cheleder ak adha sopno. monta bhison

khusi te bhore jeto tokhon to ja khusi korte partam anonded lafate chachate

maramari korte jekono soamy bol petate kuthir mathe. tokhon ei mohaloyar

dine mini bar tournament hoto kheltam hartam jittam kintu sradin keto jeto

sei soroter nil akasher valar moto nil megh gulor moto . vese jetam velay

chore edik theke sedik. khono Bhogol porar jayga guloy kokhon ba ithihaser


Amar jesomay boro hoyechi sei somay " Pujor Saj " bole ekta kobita


ajo ache kintu amra pore boro hoyechi..... tate chilo " Asiner Majha Maji

uthilo bajna baji Pujor somay elo kache " Modu Bidhu dui bhai chilo modhu

jomiderer cheler moto satiner jama chai r bidhu baba deoa sadhorn shirt

buke tule nay. amader bidhu chilo Hero, sotti bolchi aj obdhi kono din

prochur lovh kori ni ja petam tate bhison khusi chiam achi. baba ja deto

seta nere chere pujor jamar anonde r cap fateye chole jeto din gulo.

Tokhon Moglai chilo 4 taka r seta eto sussadu chilo je tar sad r pelam na

kono dino. ostomir din niramish khete hobe kintu rate ekta moglai chai.

Jak bodh hoi ektu besi nostalgia hoye pore chialam

Anis amara jara Aurobino Bal Kendram e porechilam tader chotto jogot ta

chilo sompurno alada seta vire harate chai na. ekahane St. Tomaser dol

vison bhari . tobe aj bolte didha nei seta chilo manus hoabr soild

foundation , barete pora suna dekhar moto keu chilo na soami basto kintu

khokhon je maush hoabr mosla tate gatha chilo seta bujhte aro 30 ta bochor

chole gelo. ekhon chesta kori ekat Bhalo MANUSH hobar ses dino sei chesta

tai amar aim in life. Tui Bari ta beche deyechis sune khub kosto holo ote

to amaro onek sriti ache. aste aste sob faka hochhe amaro aro 25/30 bochor

por faka hobe , chandannagore , KLVM theke jabe , gongar jol tokhono boye

jabe , tokho sudhu nam r mukh gulo change hoye jabe.

Debmalya - Ami prochur jaiga ghurechi kintu amar chokhe sei BODH GOYA ajo

omolin hoye geche. sei somay amra Robi Thakurer Srimoti name ek dasi je

budhher pujo korechilo bole raja tar matha neye neyechilo . sei srimoti je

mondir e puja korte gechilo r sedin er budhho Goya amar kache ek chilo. mai

debmalya ba Anis er moto bhalo chele noi je ote slok mone thakbe kintu sei

Ostho gacher pata , mondirer birat birat prodip er alo ajo chokh  bujle

dekhte pai chari dike sudhu prodiper sikha choto choto kore mondir take

sonar kore tuleche , vitore bodho bhikhuker gombhir montro  uchharon r


sobai chokh buje sei somay take dhore rekehe dichii stritir



Surajit Sen Sun, October 10,

2010 11:58:27 AM



all my friends,



Sunday (3rd Oct) raat 10:30 PM-e barite Chandannagore-e pouchechi. barite ekta

BSNL-er net connection achhe, kintu kaaj korche na :(:(.  I had my

visa stamping on 8th for which i had to visit almost every day to our Kolkata

office last week. Sorry folks, cyber cafe-te giye mail check korar somoy paini.

finally aaj ghorer internet problem fix hoyeche and the first thing i'm doing

is writing u guys. Mail box open kore dekhi > 50 mails. i guess it will take

a whole day to go through all your mails. However I'm pretty sure Hritesh amar

goosthi udhhar kore diyeche for not being reachable. Sab mail gulo porle pore

bujhte parbo :):)



coming from Mumbai to Howrah, i met with our Joy Banerjee. He was just opp to

my seat. Joy-ke almost puro ekta summary kore amader  ei "Kuri bochor

Por" update diye diyechi. Sorry Joy :(. Ami oke promise korechilam i'll

add him to this mail thread on the very day i returned home, but infortunately

i myself was isolated from net the whole week due to net issue.


Ami ekta

local sim niyechi, u guys can reach me on 9163019209.



i'll be out to Harishnagar/Kaliara, visiting my gramer Shashur bari. Lot of

family commitments in a short stay. I'll call you guys on Tuesday (12th Oct).


On last

wednesday (6th Oct) i went to Dr.Kashab SinhaRay's chamber where I

met with Soumya Chakrabortry (Nirmal Sir-er chele). I got his no# 9051814534.

Got an update abt Nirmal Sir. He is fine and in good health, still rides that

Bajaj M80. From Soumya I got updates abt Saptarshi Guha. I'll get his no#



I guess

you guys have already recollected all our KLVM batch mates name by this time

and pulled them in these mail threads (I need some time to update myself going

through these > 50 mails), couple of names amar mone porche from our B

section ..... Prajjal Nandi, Saikat Saha, Rajat Manna, Debashish (surname mone

nei), Sanjay (famous for his Deepak and Ratanlal detective series stories),

Ranjan Datta (B section er topper chilo) and Sandip Sur (Kundu Ghate

Sur barir chale), Shiladitto, Wang (Ganjer bazare jekhane red lights area chilo

sekhane oder ekta shoe-er dokan chilo), Himadri (Ganjer bazare oder cycle-er

boro dokan chilo), Prasenjit Modak (Ganjer bazare oder Radio-r dokan chilo next

to Kumar & Co.)



aaj phone korechilam. planning to visit Bivas one day.



Dijen, deb, potla, anish and baki sobai who are presently in

chandannagore .....pujor somoy ekdin sobai dekha kor.



writing guys. I'll catch u on Tuesday.

Tirtha Chattopadhyay                      7th Oct 2010

Mistu tui akhon dustui thek geli !! kano bare bare ato nostalgic kore

dichiss? kaj kormo kore khete hobe toh ?


                            SISIR VEJA VHOR.


                           AJ ANNONDO KOR.


                        MONER BADDI BAJE.


                            MON NEI TAI KAJE.


                       NOTUN KORE BHABA.


                             AKIROKOM HABA.


               NOTUN BANCHTE CHAOYA.


               HOREK ROKHOM KHAOYA.


                              NOOITO AMI AKA.


                       BARE BARE DYAKHA.


                 CHULER GONDHO SOKA.


                NOTUN CHOKHE DYAKHA.


                             PUJO MANI DHAK.


           (mistu) AKBAR CHEYE DHYAKH.


                          MEYDER SUDHU SAJ.


                       KOTOTA BUKER KHANJ.


                          KOLAKULI TAO HOLO.


                            SOBAI THAKIS VALO.

Dwijendranath De                 Friday, October 29, 2010 2:43 AM

Sorry , this mail I have not copyied to all some time restriction is

inavitable particularly whicle u r trying to share some personal feelings.

Ami akta cheler golpo bolbo.....

sei cheleta amader motoi akta chele chilo , pora suna kom other activity

besi besh anondedi din kete jachhilo cheletar. Na cheletar nam nei khub

comman akta simple chotto sohorere chele.

Din je bhabe kate r ki tar modheye oi pituitari glander chemical change

gulo hote thaklo sabhabik neyome , porar theke Prokritir upor yan ta bere

gelo. akta somay 2/3 jon meye / ba mal ba magi kono bapar noi.

Porar gondi ta school theke coledge e geche ja hok ekta pas  hoye geche ,

barite businesser chol chilo ..... tai kete jabe din ja hok business kore

baki ta roilo boyeser dhormo.... sorier khoje nijeke hareye deyoa.

Kintu bidhata bodh hoi tai chai ni , kono ekta choto business r ja hok pora

kore katteye dik sei cheleta.......

Coledge jebonei se ekta sotti kore preme pore gelo jar kache meye ta chilo

sudhui sorir r jetar sopan se jeno atka pore gelo.......

Iti modhye bidhata golpo ta jomeye dite take ekta comuter course e joreye

dilo.. Jighasa korte parish joreye keno..... karon ta simple se course

korte chai ni kaktalio bahbe sei course ta se suru korlo....

Er majhe makje meyti jar kache se atke gechilo sei meye ta take akash

dekahr sopno dekhalo....... U have the ability to prove urself 7 u can able

to stand on ur own ...

Maratok sopno na.... jeta dekhay A p j kalam , jeta dekhay 3 Ideots jeta

dekhay onyo jekono bhalo boi....

Sopno ta boroi sanghatik........

Cheleta oi computer ta kei bhablo amar Sword , by which I can win my battle

field. It was not only the battle field of war it is the battle field of


Somay ta ektu ektu kore goreye jachhe , sei somay jar karon sob kichu....

Meye ta chilo pray chele tar i somoboyosi tai sabhabik neyome barete chap ,

beye ta kortei hobe ekta lok ke dekhanor moto cheler sathe.

Muskil holo chele ta toto dine sopno dekhte sikhe geche . kolkata r 5/6

hajare chakri jogar hoye geche sei computer take hateyar kore kintu tate to

sky is the limit noy....

Berote hobe aro aro aro uchu te uthte hobe moi ta khali pichle jachhe,

beyer gonta beje geche tai aro joldiaro joldi..

Meyetar sathe dekha hole chumu chapatir theko boro jinsh SOMAY , somay boro

kom amar je r ektu somay chai bari te bolo na r ektu....

meye ta chilo aro sanghatik thik sopno dekhnor motoi fairy or hate chilo

magic wand tai o nejer degre bareye cholchilo , na oi master degree te na

theme aro onek bhabe nejeke dhora choyar baire chole jachhilo.

Chele ta pari dilo Kolkata theke sopno puraner sohore... jaiga khub kom boi

mathay deye hat upore kore soya pas firle lege jabe onyo karur sathe....

Bilasita tar ekta chilo .... SOptaher seshe 15 taka deye 1/2 plate mixed


onyo din gulo dabay bahat r doi r songe korun akuti ektu somay.... Bus ,

train , tram je khanei jai na keno bondhu bolte sudhu boi , se ondhokar hok

r aloi hok . ei boi r ei jebon kete gechilo 3 bochor yes 3 years.

na Iswar chailen na somay dete meyetir beye hoye gelo .... kono flimy

ghotona ghote ni. cheletir kana boja gola deye bar hoye elo .... tobe ki

TUMI nei.. amar ei chayoar kono value nei.....

value ta chilo... ki bhabe easy mora jai , ghumer osudh , na rail line na

golay dori.........

Abar sei somay oke aro jedi aro ak rokha kore dilo..... " O mar kache ki

cheye chilo ektu bhodro chakri ektu matha tule darano lok ke bolar moto

ekta chakri....."

Ha seta hoyeche chele ta onek dure aro dure sobai er sopno khojar sopno

nogori te pari deyechilo with a very good job for a reputed company.

Er majher kichu ghoto na , meyeti ei prithibi theke beyer 1 year por beday

nay..... na tader dekha hoi ni....... Aj meye ti cheletir kache sakhat God

kichu somay ei dhoradhame esechilo tar por r take dekha jai ni jemon God ke

dekha jai na kintu believe kora jai tini achen amader sathe amader sokol

mongoler jonyo achen.......

ektu besi boro hoye gelo er cheye choto korar amar je khomota nei..

Dwijendranath De Friday, December 3, 2010 1:11 AM

Mon jokhon kharap thake kichui kore uthte para jai na tokhon jeno kemon

faka faka lge. hoyto boyoser dhormo. age kono somay erokom faka lagto na

tokhon khub sundor bhabe amra nejeder ke nejera ghire rakhtam.

Sob din office e soman pressure tahke an thik sei somay te nejeke ektu

restless lage. ami to debmalyo ba tirtho r moto sundor kobita likhte pari

na je nijer sristi sukher ullase mete thakbo.

Amar sathe Debmalyor ak bar kotha hochhilo o bole je o jedin kobita lekhe

sara rat anonde ghumote pare na.

Debmalyo tor moto amara programme likhte pari na ba nejer sristir anonde

mete thake pari na , eta to cally na tui sudhu 1st boy nosh tor onyo onek

bhalo quality amader sokoler priyo.

Ebare Jogodhatri puja te Debmalyo esechilo ekta rat amader sathe chilo ,

jara chili na ba amra jara chilam ami , rano , rangan , Tukai proteke toke

notun kore kach theke dekhte sujog peyechilam.

Odbut bapar Tirtho je sob somay bole eseche Old Chandannagore , notun kore

kichu paoar nei , ami bereye aste pere khusi sei tirtho hotah khub mon

kharap neye jokhon phone kore tokon mone hoi sob material world er baire

ekta proteker nejer prithibi ache tate nejera raja , nejera proja , nejera

Scientist , nejera Kobi ba Mathetecian ba nijer khusi moto ja khusi. Hoyto

sobai sonsarer , kajer chaper baire oi prithibi ta khoje..... amio khuji .

tate majhe amar sopner bondhu rao ese pore.

Ekhon hoyto sobai nejer jonyo kichu ta somay aka thakte chai ei chaoar

majhe je ki ache...... . seta uttor amar puro jana nei.

Jkhon choto chilam kno meyer chokher isra te nijeke udbhranto lagto , ekhon

seta pareye nejeke chenar disha khujte geye udbhranto lage.....

Amar sobai soabai er theke alada tai hoyto eto din pore nejera nejeder

modhye kichu khuji ba ojantei sei chotto belar magic wand tar kotha bhabi

je tar poroshe amader proteker choto bela ta golper moto kore deyechilo.

aj bhable choto belay firte parbo na kintu ichha korlei sei hareye jayoa

chotto bela take kache khub kache tene neye aste parbo,

bheb dekha r payora modhe jokhon onek ta gap seta jokhon bhujlam tokhon hat

bareye sei bela take dhorte chai na kintu bhison nejer kore rakhte chai.

thik sei karone ei jogodhatri pujo ta chilo ektu alada , hritesh , Surojit

, Debmalyo , Tirtho , Mrinmoy ra ebare pujor sathe , alor sathe , mrinmoyee

murtir sathe , pujo mondoper sathe ek hoye chilo.

With Regards,