May’95 every one be happy

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः।सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु।मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Sarve bhavantu sukhinah,Sarve santu niramayah,Sarve bhadrani pashyantu,Ma kaschit duhkha bhaag bhaveet.

 may every one be happy,may every one be free from all diseases,may every one see goodness and auspiciousness in every thing,may none be unhappy or distressed


Many years ago, on one hot summer evening, I was present in a lecture session at Chinmaya Mission at Powai, Bombay. That time, at the Chinmaya Mission temple, after the evening warship, the mission head used to deliver a lecture to the residential students of the mission. Outside visitors were also welcome to participate that.

 It was mid-nineties, I was doing my MBA from NITIE. Many evenings of my Bombay life, I spent in that temple, sometime with friends, some time alone by observing the sun set across the hill and also looking at the L&T compound, array colony road, pipe lines, to witness how the darkness slowly comes down on the busy life of Bombay, when standing on the veranda of that beautiful temple at the cliff of a small hill beside Powai lake.

 That time all TV channels were not full with lectures of different Babas. So hearing about spiritualism from somebody who can take it to some deeper level of understanding was not very common. Some evenings I stay back in the temple to attain that class, specially when I used to get very upset.

 That day, after humming their regular prayer “Sarve bhavantu sukhinah, Sarve santu niramayah” guruji started in continuation of the meaning of that mantra, what is the purpose of this “ Are we all fool enough to dream, one fine day all the suffering from the world will vanish suddenly, we will live in perfect harmony ?” From long before Rama was the king to when today Narasimha Rao is the king people are chanting this still that bright day never come, so all these are waste of our energy ? are we fooling ourselves ? 

 Not really, with our pray, world will never change but if small amount of time for a day, we pray full heartedly for universal well beings, it changes ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually and our personality grows divinely that is the real purpose of this mantra.

 The message moved me so much I still remember it whenever get an occasion. In the contrary at every ages of humanity, every single individual created his own imagination of a perfect world and many have advocated and applied their action towards that bolder than others. There is nothing wrong in that, that is what human nature is but the problem arises when we start to think my or our way is the only way for a perfectly balanced world and gather enough justification to make others to suffer for the salvation of that perfect world.

 In this aspect the religious fundamentalists, communists are not much different.  When religion is a mean to control self, it is divine, but when it is used to control others its pure evil.

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