Indian’s in IT industry

Why Indian’s are so successful in IT industry


Today at every corner of the world you will find the presence of Indian’s attached with IT related professions. I don’t think yet people put serious thought to realize, why a particular community, people from a particular country becoming so successful and so much appreciated in this newly evolved professional domain. There are some quickly concluded theories like cheap labor, a big pool of educated young population who some how can communicate in English. But all these theories have limitations, these factors are present in many other countries too and these advantages didn’t emerge in India in recents days,  but prior to IT industry, in any other industry or in any other profession such concentration of  Indian’s were not visible any time before.


There is definitely a demand supply equation of business, which has worked out, but those factors were always there, whenever any other industry evolved with a new technological discovery at any age.


There is something definitely much more than these, and if you watch carefully most of the IT professionals came out, from a particular and very similar section of Indian middle class families. This is my effort to find out that Indian spark which made us so successful in this cutting edge technology.






There must be some other factors too in our Indian society, culture and value system, which has its contribution. But I am fully convinced something closely stringed with our socio-cultural environment of growing up, has given us the seed, the fruit of which we are harvesting world wide in the IT industry for some time. As a proof I can mention, I haven’t seen much Indians raised in other country have any contribution to this polarization. It is the Indian’s grown and spend most part of their educational life in India shows their distinctive presence in this newly emerged profession.


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