Morality and rules

Attempt of changing morality by law.....

I read a bengali novel some time back, where it is said, no matter how much a person claims, he is ethical and honest, won't break any rule or always respect the legal and judiciary system, every body has a threshold point. Beyond that, you can corrupt any person. It appears little disturbing, when we try to judge ourselves in this perceptive but I think its very true in real life.

So, is every person a potential immoral or criminal ? Yes it is, if you look at this angle. We all are vocal about the corrupt politicians, taking bribe of the government officials, some time we give up hope about our legal and judiciary system, but its bound to happen in current system. And no system in this world is full-proof neither it was anytime of the humanity.

But turning our head to the brighter side, even the most wicked person of the world has his own morality and ethics, he respects it, not any less than the so called saint or great person. Every person in this world is struggling to follow his own ethical rules he posses in his mind. I believe a person should be judged by, how much he compromises and sacrifices to live a life of his own morality, not by the rule or code of conduct defined by the legal system or society.

By nature every single person of the world tries to follow his own very personal morality, no body lives or prefers to live a life following the text written in the law books or what others or society as a group dictates, whats right or wrong. But unfortunately, our so called social activists always want to bring new new laws to solve social issues and create more problems than any positive impact to the core issues. You can never change morality of a person by law. But at the same time just to avoid conflicts people try to keep their activities with in legal and social boundaries. But at the bottom of their heart they don't follow the law but follow their own morality.

If that is the case, why there are so much ill practices, if everybody is following their own morality, why there is conflict with the legal system and why so called common people are suffering. Because human basic needs have been expanded in multifold and the consumer centric society approves and encourages human greeds and needs.

In this world every person follows own morality and try to keep it within the approval limits of  the legal and social system. But when the greed and need for something become so powerful and it reaches the thresh hold point, they break the rule and become a criminal or person un accepted by the society. So if we try to improve the society, only imposing law or by trying to develop a strong administration, it won't solve the issue. We should re-learn the virtue of living simple life by ourselves, and try to keep the basic needs as minimum as possible. When this message get spread among most of the people of a society, it automatically become a more conductive one.

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