Passion vs. Profession

How to choose our profession by passion or …..


It is true unless we passionately apply ourselves into the work, what we have taken up, the output can never be marvelous. For the world, our identity is what we capable to produce. And the world judges it from our past deeds. So once we start earning a bad reputation, it is more difficult to come out of it.  So it is always wise to do the job full heartedly, no matter how much insignificant it appears. By developing an habit of delivering shabby output, in short run we are making the buyer unsatisfied and in long run damaging ourselves. But doing every job with heart and soul is easy to say but very difficult it practice. Our first challenge comes from our own mind itself, we often think this job is not justified to my capability and skill, or I am just wasting time doing this, even doing same thing some body is earning much better return in different places, why I’ll do it here at less return, even sometime we wear an intellectual cap, and try to justify its not my passion, all these kind of thoughts always cross our mind.


But visualizing some fictitious ideal work for us in mind and desperately hunt to find it or aggressively trying to hard sell our product which we are fully convinced by ourselves  that it is the right one whether market like it or not, soon ends up with frustration.


It is always better approach to embrace whatever naturally comes on our way, it is wise to sell what market wants not what we want to produce. So the focus should be what products market is willing to buy. And, from that available plates, choose a product to sell, which we can convince ourselves, as the best possible thing we can offer to the market at this very moment, and we think, working on which can give the most to us in terms of return and also in terms of self satisfaction. Then devote ourselves totally to generate the best possible output for that. We will be amazed to see, how soon this will give a cascading positive effect in our work life.


I would like to take a little diversion from the original topic, there was a time with in my professional life where professionalism was considered as ultimate quality for an individual in an work environment but slowly the train has been shifted, now in cut throat professional world also people started saying unless you have the passion, only professionalism is not enough.  But I am not fully convinced to what is being expressed by the word passion, which is something you born with or part of your nature or what you like to do the most. I’ll prefer to use the word dedication which is more than your whelm, what you try to apply consciously in your work. That is more desirable quality for an individual in the world of karma yoga.


I would like to end with a statement of Swami Vivekananda :“Even the greatest fool can accomplish a task if it be after his heart. But the intelligent man is he who can convert every work into one that suits his taste”


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