
August 1981

Show us your underalls

Jim Farber

Prince is a 21 year-old who performs onstage in his underpants and sometimes sings about having sex with his sister. On his third LP, Dirty Mind, a funky R & B-and punk mix, he croons about oral sex (giving and getting), sleeping a trois with his girlfriend and her boyfriend and other assorted sexual high-jinks. The rock critics love his silky falsetto (or is it his silky undies), ranking Prince at the top of several 1980 polls. But will success spoil Prince’s charms? We doubt it. In fact, he proposed to us a sort of national come as you are party---at two p.m. everyone would have sex.

“Traffic would stop and no matter where you were, you would do it", Prince said, as he smiled. Welcome to the 80’s.

[in an article 3 pages down from this one]

We asked new superstar Prince what he thinks of billboard and charts.

“When the charts and awards are coming in your favor, they are the greatest thing in the world. When they are not working in your favor, they are absolutely meaningless” said Prince. No doubt this unique superstar will have nothing to worry about for years to come.