Albuquerque Journal

24 October 1997

Artist's 2r goes through Tingley

Musician follows free-wheeling, ambitious spirit across the map

Wende Schwingendorf

These days, The Artist (formerly known as Prince) is also known as The Person in charge of promotion, distribution and creative license of his own music and his vision — and that’s exactly the way he wants it

The Artist says he found freedom after splitting with Warner Bros, last year, and from that came “Emancipation,” a triple CD on his own NPG record label.

During an e-mail interview with the Journal, The Artist said that freedom “is bliss.”

“1 day at Paisley Park would convince the harshest critic of the advantage of artistic freedom,” he wrote in his response to questions.

And with that freedom, The Artist has also set out on a more personal voyage — one of charity.

His official Web site — — is the place to order his latest releases (the only place they are available besides calling 1-800-NEW-FUNK) and merchandise, and to get news updates and concert information for “The Jam of the Year,” which is scheduled at venues nationwide until 1999, including Tingley Coliseum on Tuesday.

The Web site also is a springboard for his charitable foundation, “Love 4 One Another,” which assists children and people who can't afford medical attention. Much of the fund raising comes from his concerts, sales of “Emancipation” and performances by the New Power Generation’s new dance company, headed by The Artist’s wife, Mayte. During her group’s performances, they also hold coat drives for homeless or needy people. Such a collection will be made during the Tingley concert’

Each month, the Web site features a “small, struggling” organization The Artist considers worthy of support. There also is a place for “friends,” as fans are known, to place poetry or other affirmations.

Though many of his fans are long-timers who have listened to The Artist since he was known as Prince, he said anyone is welcome to join the party.

“New friends r cool, but I believe in the timeless ... ageless ... mind ... body and spirit,” he said. “People of all ages blong 2 the New Power Generation.”

When The Artist revealed plans for The Jam of the Year" tour in July, he said that to thwart scalpers he would keep the locations and opening acts secret until shortly before the concert dates. Fans who buy the top-priced “Purple Circle” tickets cannot pick them up until right before the show.

It’s anybody's guess who will perform as the opening act on Tuesday, but previous openers have included No Doubt, Larry Graham, Lenny Kravitz, George Clinton, Carlos Santana and Chaka Khan. Although The Artist has dedicated his life to the road until 1999, he said that lifestyle is OK with him, and that he will return home frequently.

“We take breaks very often,” he said. “My best friends r on the road with me and in the arenas partying with us. I am very content.