Global Health Videos

Videos developed to train front-line health workers in resource-limited settings. These can be downloaded prior to travel and shared in country

Global Health Media

Our short engaging videos provide a simple and effective solution to help health workers and communities gain the knowledge and basic skills that can save people’s lives.

In low-resource settings where literacy and language are obstacles to learning, step-by-step visual instruction has enormous advantages, especially when voiced-over in the local language. The video draws the eyes and ears to all the subtleties that make for good skill acquisition, and helps make learning “stick.”

The value of video as a tool to teach medical practices is already well established in the developed world. Yet even though worldwide access to digital video is growing, such videos remain vastly underutilized and largely unavailable in developing countries.

Procedural Education for Adaptation to Resource-Limited Settings (PEARLS):

PEARLS stands for Procedural Education for Adaptation to Resource Limited Settings and is a SUGAR Spin-Off Curriculum. Are you treating an infant in respiratory distress but you don't have access to a ventilator? Do you have a patient with a complicated pleural effusion but you don't have a chest tube drainage system? Providers working in resource-limited settings must routinely modify the way they perform procedures using available supplies and creative problem solving and these video PEARLS organize and disseminate some of these strategies for performing procedures in resource-limited settings.