Rotation Director:

Name: Tom Valvano, MD, JD


Phone: 503-494-8366

Pager: 13551


Child abuse and neglect is a significant problem in the United States. In 2017, approximately 3.5 million children received an investigation by child protective services (CPS) agencies for possible maltreatment. An estimated 674,000 children were found to be victims; a rate of 9.1 per 1,000 children. Neglect was the most common type of maltreatment, followed by physical abuse and then sexual abuse. Identifying victims of child abuse, and ensuring their safety is a multidisciplinary effort involving CPS, Law Enforcement and Health Care Professionals. Pediatricians play a critical role by in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of abuse by working with CPS and police investigators, providing expert testimony in court, and raising awareness through education. All physicians are legally mandated to report suspicions of child abuse.

Rotation goals and objectives:

1. Gain a basic understanding of child abuse

2. Learn the tools necessary to identify and evaluate children who may be maltreated

3. Practice taking a detailed history, learning to do a thorough physical exam, and working with other medical and non-medical professionals as part of a multidisciplinary effort to address the patient’s health care needs.

Prior to the start of the rotation:

You should receive an email from Tom within a week of starting the rotation that includes your schedule. He usually will page you when that email is available so you can review the schedule and ensure there are no problems.

First day of the rotation:

Go to the location scheduled for your first day on the schedule sent to you ahead of time. In addition, on your calendar schedule, there will be a meeting scheduled with Tom for further orientation.

Resident Expectations:

1. Please be punctual and engaged for all scheduled sessions, activities, and services.

2. Attendance of your pediatric conferences when you are on campus.

General Schedule:

Your schedule will include inpatient coverage at OHSU, a day with DHS, 2-3 days at the outpatient CARES NW clinic. Your schedule may also include time observing in court, or other opportunities as they present themselves.

If you are going to be absent for all or part of a day:

1. Please page Tom to let him know

2. In addition, please let Mike Grubbs and the chiefs know

Resident Resources, Helpful Tips, and Further Readings:

Please use this box folder to find the important readings for this rotation.