Adolescent Health

Rotation Director:Name: Jessica Serrano


Office: CDRC 3107

Phone: 503-494-7640 office, 520-245-8909 mobile

Pager: 13735


Residents will have direct clinical experience with the adolescent patient population in a variety of outpatient clinical settings.

Rotation goals and objectives:

    • Identify standardized screening tools for conditions common to adolescents

    • Develop an appropriate clinical approach for common adolescent health issues including reproductive health, disordered eating, STIs, and mental health

    • Summarize state laws concerning consent, confidentiality, and privacy as they pertain to the care of adolescents

Prior to the start of the rotation:

    • Residents will receive a copy of their schedule via email (from Sierra Cutler) about 2 weeks before starting the rotation. Residents are expected to review this schedule ahead of time to confirm continuity clinic days are correct and there are no other questions or concerns.

    • Residents need to email Sierra Cutler and cc Jessica Serrano no later than 2 weeks before starting the rotation to confirm their continuity clinic days.

  • Plan to meet with Jessica Serrano just prior to or within 3 days of starting the rotation to receive your orientation folder and review rotation expectations.

    • Complete paperwork emailed out, which is required to work off-site

    • Contact Jessica Serrano and chiefs if transportation to various clinical sites is going to be an issue or challenge

    • If you are interested in placing Nexplanons during this rotation but are not certified, please contact Megan Jacobs to discuss procedure options and goals.

First day of the rotation:

    • Each day of the rotation, residents are expected to be present at their designated clinic/location on time

    • Residents should wear their OHSU ID even if they are off-site

Resident Expectations:

    • Residents are expected to see patients independently at school based health clinics and will staff with the supervising MD or NP. Residents will write notes on patients that they see in these clinical settings

    • Residents will not be expected to do any written documentation at Kartini clinic

General Schedule:

Residents are scheduled per ½ day at various clinical sites. Residents will ideally participate in the following clinical experiences:

    • School based health sites

      • Estimated number of days: 13 half days

    • OHSU adolescent clinic

      • Estimated number of days: 9 half days

      • Clinic typically takes place on Monday-Friday

    • Milwaukie High School with Dr Sells

      • Estimated number of days: 3 half days

      • Clinic typically takes place on Wednesday mornings

    • Kartini clinic

      • Estimated number of days: 2-3 half days

      • Clinic typically takes place on Thursday or Friday

    • Sports Medicine

      • Estimated number of days: 3 half days

      • Clinic typically takes place on Thursdays

    • Inpatient rounds

      • Occasionally you may be asked to join on rounds if there are scheduling conflicts.

If you are going to be absent for all or part of a day:

    1. Please email the rotation director if you are unable to make it to work. Please ALSO contact (page or text) chief on call as soon as possible. A verbal exchange must happen with the chief on call.

    2. Any resident missing more than 2 days (or 4 half days) may be required to make up the difference at a future date at the discretion of the rotation director, chiefs, and program leadership.

Resident Resources, Helpful Tips, and Further Readings:

Adolescent Box Folder

ABP Content outline:

A. Growth and development

    1. Pubertal

    2. Cognitive

    3. Emotional

B. Sex and sexuality

    1. Sexual behavior (eg, contraception, pregnancy)

    2. Sexual orientation

    3. Gender identity

C. Gynecology

    1. Routine care (eg, dysmenorrhea)

    2. Clinical presentation (eg, abdominal pain, vaginal discharge)

    3. Diseases, disorders, and conditions

      1. Menstrual

      2. Breast

D. Mental and behavioral health issues

    1. Risk-taking

    2. Self-harm

    3. Delinquency and asocial behavior

    4. Eating disorders