Neonatology weekly meetings


- typically 8-9AM Case Conference: fellows and attendings present interesting or difficult cases from the past week to discuss as a group. There is a lot of good discussion and always good for learning.


- AM lectures geared toward fellows. Residents are welcome to attend if a particular topic is of interest. There is sometimes reading or pre-work that is sent out.


- AM lectures similar to Tuesday AM.

- 11:30-12:30 Neonatology division meetings (alternates between division meeting, research in progress, journal club, and M&M). Residents are welcome to attend the research in progress, journal club, and M&M.

- 12:30-2PM Fetal Therapy Meeting. Representatives from maternal fetal medicine, fetal radiology, neonatology, cardiology, nephrology, urology, neurology, neurosurgery, genetics, and social work discuss current patients followed by the fetal therapy program and their clinic progress and ongoing plans. This is a great example of multidisciplinary care and interesting to see, even if you're not interested in neonatology.


- 8AM Pediatric Grand Rounds

- 12-1PM Alternates between clinical consensus and OPNN.

Clinical consensus meetings discuss any proposed changes or additions to guidelines on the bridge and any current unit issues reported by staff. Also great learning.

OPNN (Oregon Perinatal & Neonatal Network) features presentations from neonatal centers around the region on topics of mutual interest.


- 12-1PM Pediatric Friday Forum