PICU Nurse Resident Elective


The preceptor program is designed to support educational experiences for the medical resident completing an elective in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. The preceptor program serves to enhance collaborative teamwork and mutual respect by utilizing the abilities of select experienced staff members as role models and educators. When precepting a medical resident, the staff nurse will serve as a role model for nursing practice and will be accountable for the care of assigned patients. The staff nurse will determine what nursing care will be assigned to the medical resident based on the resident’s level of preparation and experience. Learning activities and course objective information for the resident will be available for the staff nurse from the faculty supervising the resident.



    • Elma, Stephanie A. Chumley, Heidi. Medical Teacher. 28(4):341-4, 2006 Jun.

      • Supersedes: none

      • Originator/Author:

    • Lori Moss BSN, RN, PICU

      • Approved By: